The awaited confrontation (not).

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Third Person POV

Jason was starting to question his new plan.

The steps seemed easy enough to follow on the way here, but now that he was going through with them, he realized it was a lot harder than he thought.

During his flight on a jet (which he may or may not have stolen), Jason had thought up a improv plan to follow through with. Originally, he had intended to find Damian and bring him back without tipping the boy off on his plans.

However, after pondering the plan for a while, he realized that it was wishful thinking. Batman had probably placed tracers on  both Damian and Tim to take extra precautions.

"Darn Bat Paranoia." He grumbled under his breath.

When Jason had arrived at the glaciers, he landed the plane somewhere hidden and began his search for Damian.

The task proved itself harder to accomplish than originally thought as minutes turned into hours and he still hadn't found the young Robin.

Where could the little brat be hiding?

As Jason continued walking past a large form of ice for what seemed to be the fifth time, he heard a noise.

At first, he didn't feel alarmed. It was probably just some animal stalking him from behind.

A few more seconds after dismissing the thought, he heard the noise again. This time however, was different.

The sound was more distinct, sounding like footsteps. They also sounded a lot closer.

Someone was following him, and it wasn't an animal.

Jason turned his head slightly, trying to check behind him without alerting the pursuer.

There was no one there.

Jason's eyes narrowed suspiciously under the hood.

He continued walking on much higher alert. His hand twitching towards the gun at his side.

Not yet. He thought.

Suddenly, a knife flew past his face.

Or not. Jason added as an afterthought.

Pulling out his gun, he shot at the patch of ice he had detected the noise from with deadly precision.

The banging noise echoed across the vast landscape as a body collapsed.

He had hit his target.

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