Bad Timing (Adam Park x reader)

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TITLE: Bad Timing (Adam Parks x reader)

Prompt/summary: (MMPR Season 2 episode 29, Goldar's Vice Versa) Reader is the team's stand-in medic and is trying to ask Adam to the Vice-Versa dance. Lord Zedd has other plans.

Word Count: 2,276

Warnings: none

"It's about time the girls had to ask the guys to the dance," Rocky said leading the boys to a table at Earnie's juice bar.

"Who are you going with?" Billy asked.

Rocky smiled and leaned back in his chair, "Jessica Peterson, I can't believe she asked me. What about you Adam?"

Adam sighed, "I don't think I'm going..."

"Why not?" His friends asked.

"No one's asked me yet, and I don't think anyone's going to," the boy said.

"Don't feel bad Adam, no one's invited me yet either," Billy said.

Adam gave a sad smile, feeling a little bit better that he wasn't alone in his struggle. But just as Billy said that, Laura Scottsman approached the boys table asking to speak to Billy alone. Adam leaned his head into his hand watching the blue ranger walk off only to return with a smile on his face, "Hey guys, Laura just asked me to the dance!"

"Atta boy!" Rocky said high-fiving Billy.

"Looks like I'm the only one without a date, even Bulk and Skull are going if those weird girls ever catch them," Adam sighed.

"Don't worry Adam, someone will ask you," Rocky tried to console his friend.

"I gotta get going, later guys," Adam said standing up and walking off.

His friends shared a sigh. (Y/n) watched Adam leave and hurriedly approached the two boys remaining at the table.

"Hey guys," (Y/n) said, the boys looked up and smiled, "Where'd Adam go?"

"I'm not sure, he's been bummed out that no one's asked him to the dance," Rocky said.

Billy smirked at the youngest member of the team, "Why haven't you asked him yet (Y/n)? Everyone knows you want to."

"Oh I hope not everyone," (Y/n) sighed while pulling out a chair to sit down.

"Everyone on the team at least, I think Aisha has made it her mission to try and set you two up," Rocky chuckled.

(Y/n) blushed, "I was actually gonna ask you guys to help me think of an idea to ask him to be my date..."

The two boys smiled before Rocky said, "You don't need anything fancy (Y/n), just ask him outright and he'll say yes."

"You don't know that!"

"Yes we do! He's had a crush on you since you started helping Alpha out in the power chamber," Billy said.

"Last time I patched him up after a fight he wouldn't even look at me, or talk to me."

"Adam's just a shy guy, you'll figure it out (Y/n)," Rocky said.

"I sure hope so, anyways I'm gonna go find Aisha. She might be able to help."

(Y/n) stood up with a sigh and went to track down the yellow ranger.


Kim, Adam, and Aisha sat at Earnie's the next afternoon. Aisha had spent all of their first period trying to convince (Y/n) to shoot her shot with the handsome black ranger. Eventually Aisha resorted to telling Adam Sarah Diaz might ask him if he shows up to Volleyball practice, all while (Y/n) stood next to her and listened. It broke (Y/n)'s heart at how hopeful Adam looked after Aisha told him, and (Y/n) decided that it was gonna be that day she asked him.

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