True Blue Ranger (Justin Stewart x sister!reader)

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TITLE: True Blue Ranger (Justin Stewart x sister!reader)

Prompt/summary: (Turbo episode 6, Rally Ranger) Reader is Justin's older sister and she's livid when she finds out her brother is a power ranger.

Word Count: 1,566

Warnings:  none

Justin has been really quiet lately. It's to be expected after mom died and he got pushed into high school, but at least he has friends that can watch out for him when I can't be there. At the start of this year I tracked down Tommy, Kat, Tanya, Adam, and Rocky and made them promise to watch out for my little brother, I was so worried something might happen to him when I wasn't around especially when I was at work at the juice bar. I had started to get worried because Justin would go missing at strange times, morning evening and night. I'd turn around and he'd be gone only to later find out he was with our friends.

Dad was still unemployed. Even though he was looking for a job I picked up extra hours at the juice bar in hopes of keeping up with the endless expenses that come with raising a little brother, but sometimes it still felt like I wasn't doing enough. I just want Justin to be happy. Kat had been a huge help, getting Justin signed up for the shelter and helping me get him to and from school. She always made sure he was doing okay.

When Justin decided he wanted to be in the soap box derby our friends really stepped up, helping him get all the supplies he needed to build his car and entering him in the race. I offered to pay for the expenses but they told me to worry about the bills for this month instead. I don't know what I'd do without then honestly.

Adam, Kat, and I watched as Justin raced down the hill with the other racers trailing right behind him. As a black car got onto his left side I began to worry as they started to bump into each other. One last bump and Justin went flying off the road and into the hay bale borders.

"Justin!" I yelled as I rushed over to pull him out of the car.

"Are you alright?" Kat said.

"I'm alright," Justin sighed, "but look at my racer, it's trashed."

Adam tried his best to cheer him up, 'As long as you're alright it doesn't matter."

The announcer came on to say that the Mean Machine had one the practice race. Justin sighed again turning to see him crossing the finish line.

"Aw man. Tomorrow's the Angel Grove Derby. I'll never get True Blue fixed in time."

"Don't worry, we'll help you Justin," Adam said.

"Yeah thanks, but that'd be against the rules. I have to build it myself."

"Tough luck stewart," The boy that drove the Mean Machine said, "I'd get that steering checked out if I were you."

"Why'd you do that Warren? It's only a practice run," I sneered, placing my hand on Justin's shoulder.

"Every race counts sweetie, and it looks like I won't be seeing you at the derby tomorrow. Your racer's history."

"I'll be there, and don't call her sweetie!" Justin was getting madder by the minute.

"Right," Warren scoffed, "Even you couldn't fix that mess by tomorrow. Why don't you just give it up? Face it, you don't fit in, egghead."

Justin's face turned red with rage as Warren walked off.

"Don't listen to him Justin," Kat said. I turned Justin around and pulled him into a hug. Ruffling his hair always calmed him down but as I went to do it he pulled away from me and turned back to Kat and Adam.

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