Chapter 1: Come on Princess

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"Clarke!" Bellamy called as his co-leader emerged from their little medical centre/drop ship.

He remembers the day they arrived as if it were yesterday. The shaking of the pod. Some people praying to whatever God they believed in the save them or make their death as quick as possible. Spacewalker trying to be the 'cool guy' by floating around, only to have two others follow him and end up dead. What an idiot. He should have stayed strapped in like Clarke told him. Maybe if he had, those other kids might still be alive.

Bellamy tried to shake those thought from his head as Clarke raised an eyebrow in his direction, the action making him smirk.

"What Bellamy?"She raised her hand to her forehead, rubbing her temple. "If it's about going to check out another bunker take someone else. I'm too swamped with things here."

"What's happened?" He asked as he reached the drop ship entrance. He kept his distance from the tired girl. He knew when to pick a fight with the feisty blonde and when not to. This, apparently, was not the time.

"These idiots inside decided that practicing throwing an axe into a tree outside the wall was a good idea," She sighed as her eyes closed, thinking back to the three boys she had just taken care of. "They hit a tree and tripped a grounder trap. Spikes flew, landing in James' right calf, Louie's abdomen and Karl's left shoulder. Their lucky to be alive."

Clarke rubbed her hands uneasily together. Only then did Bellamy notice the blood on her hands. It was caked under her fingernails and rubbed into the gentle lines on her palms.

The sight made him feel a little queasy. She was too kind to have any type of blood on her hands, real or metaphorical. Even though he knew she was capable of that burden, the title killer just didn't match her face.

Clearing his throat and placing his hands on his hips, he decided to get to the point of when he needed to see her. "I needed to talk to you about tonight." Saying this made a few heads turn in their direction.

It was no secret that they didn't get on very well, but the camp all had the idea that placing bets on when they would get together was a good way the pass the time. Bellamy had grown tired of the looks after the first couple of days.

Deciding to ignore it he continued. "I was talking with Jasper and he said that Monty had made a new batch of moonshine." At hearing these words Clarke rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Come on, Princess. Just here me out. Just remember, I'm asking for the benefit of the camp and Monty."

"Of course you are Bellamy." Clarke spoke as she looked toward Octavia and Raven. The girls were sending her knowing smirks and whispering between each other. It was tolerable (slightly) when the rest of the camp did it, but did her best friends really have to do it too? Raven was bound to do it because . . . well, she was Raven. But Octavia was Bellamy's sister. It was a little off putting to have his little sister joining in.

"Everyone, including you Princess, has had a busy day. We all need some time to unwind and a little party wouldn't hurt." Bellamy smirked as he saw her scowl a little. "Besides, a little birdy told me it's your eighteenth b'day soon."

Clarke's gaze snapped up to meet his deep brown eyes. They danced with excitement when he saw she was wearing down. "Fine," her eyes dropped to the steel beneath their feet. Only then did she notice that he had come closer and was only a few inches away from her. "Just for a few hours. Nothing more nothing less. And everyone only gets two drinks."

With a smirk on his lips (because he knew that was never going to happen) and a twinkle in his eyes he closed the deal with a wink.

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