Chapter 9: So We Live Together

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Bellamy had gotten Clarke on the bed and was ravishing her neck with kisses, hard and soft. He found her pulse and sucked, fully intent on giving her the hickey she had given him that night. He was determined to make her feel everything she felt that night but this time he was going to make damn sure she remembered it. His lips moved back to hers, capturing them in a passionate kiss.

He hovered over her, noting wanting to hurt her or their baby. Clarke, at the moment didn't seem to care as her nails pulled at his back. Her small hands traveled down his front until they got to the hem of his shirt. Her intentions became clear as she started to tug at it. Bellamy broke their lips to reach up and pull it over his head, tossing it to the corner of his room. He then leaned back in, kissing her fiercely to make up for the time he spent away from her.

It seemed while he had disregarded his, Clarke had quickly taken hers off too. His fingers glided up and down her sides, causing the blonde to shiver. She smiled under his lips, making him unable to continue kissing her mouth, so he moved back to her neck, flinging her pulse on the other side of her neck. Again, he tried to leave a mark to let everyone know she was off limits. After a moment he moved back to her lips.

His wondering hands reached down from her shoulders to travel down her torso so he could take off her pants. Bellamy stopped as his warm palms rested on their baby. His lips stopped their moments as he broke away, leaning his forehead on Clarke's shoulder. He breathed a deep sigh.

Clarke's hands went to rest in his dark curls, trying to move him back to her waiting lips. He refused to move.

"Clarke, we can't," he whispered as he got up to sit on the edge of the bed, to be as far from her as possible.

With an expression mixed with confusion and hurt, Clarke stay up to look at his hunched over back. "What?" She seemed out of breath, and Bellamy had to will himself not to smirk.

"I just don't think it's appropriate-"

"Bullshit." Clarke cut his voice off like cutting an animals throat. It was fast and to the point. "You're the one who asked me about what would happen. You were the one who wore the stupid smirk that told me you wanted this and-"

"I know!" He shouted, his back ridged with some emotion Clarke didn't know. He turned to face her, eyes sad. "But . . . your pregnant, Clarke. I don't want to take any chances with hurting our baby. Plus we're living together. What if we suddenly just didn't want to there be an us anymore? Then what? We just try to keep quiet about it for the kid? Or do you move back in with my sister and Raven and take the kid with you? I don't want to jeopardise our baby for-" he stopped, unable to continue.

"Fine, Bellamy." Clarke stood up and grabbed her shirt from the side of the bed and held it to her chest, trying to cover herself. She then hastily threw it on, not caring it was inside out. She moved to leave but Bellamy caught her wrist. She stopped but didn't turn to him.

"This doesn't mean I don't care about you." He searched for her face, with no luck. She didn't turn to face him. She could, least he see her tears. Stupid hormones.

"I get it, I do. You want this baby and I do too. Nothing should come before that." Her body stated to shake from trying to suppress her tears.

"Clarke, you know I didn't mean that. I was only saying-"

"I think I'm going to go for a walk. Raven and O said they found some really pretty flowers the other day." Bellamy sighed but released her wrist, handing his head low. "Just tell Monty and Jasper to place my dresser against the wall near my door, please." With that she left.

Bellamy flopped down onto his bed with another sigh, running his hands over his face. He started at the ceiling, wishing that she had reacted differently. Maybe this was how she felt when he ran away for her and the baby? Maybe she felt worse? He didn't know, but he did know was that it hurt.

The next three months felt awkward for the parents to be. When they were with friends or even just one other person it was fine. They were fine. It was the going home and being alone together that really made the tension thick. They were still kind to each other. Bellamy still held her hair back in the mornings and she still held his hand occasionally when he really needed support. Sometime she climbed into bed with him after one of his nightmares. He just held her and rested his hand on her stomach, trying to prove to his nightmares that he had something good to wake up to.

People around the camp had notice her stomach grow, and of course asked what was happening. Bellamy announced to the whole camp they were expecting. They crowd roared in happiness for the young pair. Congratulations and offering to help with the baby were coming from every person of the hundred. Octavia, Raven, Jasper and Monty became Clarke's companions. When she wasn't with Bellamy she was with one of them, to keep her company, keep an eye on her and keep the other members of the hundred at bay, making sure they didn't get too close to the mother too be.

Clarke had told Bellamy that she had been tired all day and went to bed early. She had slept soundly, waking up once only to roll onto her back. It was half an hour later that she awoke with a sharp pain to her abdomen. Clarke sat up with a grunt and felt something wet and warm pool between her legs. Her hands instinctively went to her baby. It was sitting lower then normal.

That's when it hit her. Pray to whatever God was out there, she slowly reached down to her thighs. Her finger dipped into the warm liquid, and by the moonlight from her small window above her head, she reached up. To her horror it was exactly what she had feared. Blood.

"Bellamy," her voice was weak, still in shock from what she had discovered. "Bellamy!" She cried out, more desperately. "Bellamy, please! Bellamy! I need you!"

The man came as fast as he could. He had his long pants on and was shirtless. He had heard her call him and quickly came to her aid with a lamp. When he entered he saw the mattress drenched in blood and Clarke with a look of panic and pain in her eyes.

"What's happening?!" He rushed to her side, holding her face between his hands. His eyes kept darting from blurry blue one to the blood. "Clarke, what's going on? What's happening to our baby?"

Clarke's only response was to pour her heart out. She sobbed. She sobbed as he buried her into his body, not needing words to tell him what he already knew.

They didn't have a baby anymore.

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