Chapter 13: Or Else

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Nearly the entire village had jumped to help when Bellamy told them he was gathering a search party. He ordered them to go in groups of five, telling them to spread out. He sent the best trackers right off in the directing he and Clarke had seen their daughter foot prints.

When he was clearing everyone at the gate he'd stopped his wife. He told her she needed to say at the house, in case Nova came back. Clarke had threaten the man she loved right after he said that to her. She knew that Nova had been taken and that who ever the hell thought it was a good idea to take her daughter wasn't going to let her go. She was about to storm out of the gates when Bellamy reached for Wells, taking him from Raven and placing his son in his wife's arms.

He told her that she needed to stay, and be with him. Clarke tired to tell him that Raven would look after him. That was when Bellamy nodded to two of his personal guards. He had picked them as soon as Nova had been born. They were to protect his family and keep the safe. In total there were only five men he trusted with his families lives.

The guards had come and dragged Clarke off to their home, her screaming at him the entire way. He also had Raven and Octavia put under house arrest with his angry wife. Octavia had yelled to Lincoln to try and reason with Bellamy but he simply shook his head at her and thanked his brother-in-law for protecting his family.

"That douche bag is going to be in hell when he comes home." Clarke had been ranting for hours, pacing back and forth, cradling a sleeping Wells in her arms. "He's going to die. That's it. I'm going to kill Bellamy Blake and dance on his grave!"

"You mind if I burry Lincoln next to him?" Octavia asked, pacing on the other side of the room. Raven had laid Luka in her lap and played with his hands. Trying and fail to calm the furious mothers down. "If I do, we can throw a freaking party! Singles night!"

"I just cannot believe after everything we've been through he would do this to me. To all of us!" Clarke stopped as she sat down next to her best friend and her nephew. "I thought he knew me better then that."

"Clarkie," Raven said as her eyes were glued to Luka's big blue ones. "He's doing this because he knows you. He knows that you go full on mama bear when your Cubs are in danger."

"That's because they're my kids!" Clarke rested her head in her palms. "What does he expect my to do? Just sit around util he come back and says 'Hey honey, I'm home with our little girl. By the way, sorry about locking you up like a criminal.' If he think I'm going to just stay here-"

"He doesn't think, though," Raven interrupted her, finally lifting her head to see Clarke's eyes. "He knows your going to stay here. Even if you didn't that's why there are guards at your front and back doors. He's not losing you tonight, Clarke."

Clarke stilled at that, suddenly breaking down and sobbing, trying not to to let her tears drop onto Wells. Even if they did, the 4 month old wouldn't have felt them. He took after his father with the way he slept. When he was out, he was dead to the world.

Raven had wrapped an arm around Clarke and Octavia rushed to her sister-in-laws side. She kneeled in front of Clarke and placed her hands on her knees, squeezing them to let her know she was there for her. Raven soon gave Luka back to his mother to take Wells from his. Clarke had gone to protest, not wanting to let her baby out of her sight, until Raven gave her that stern look of 'no bullshit.'

"Go get some rest, Wells will be fine." Raven stood and Octavia got out of the way. They both looked down at the worried mother. "We'll let you know when that walking dead man comes home, okay?"

Octavia smiled slightly to encourage the blonde. Claire hesitated for a minute before going to her room. But not before she kissed Wells goodnight and gave Octavia and Raven thank you hugs. Clarke slipped into her room, positive that she wasn't going to get any rest with her daughter missing and her husband being go a all day. But as soon as her head hit the pillow she fell asleep.

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