Chapter 14: Their Baby

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After scaring her mother with looks of hatred Clarke had gotten Octavia into the medical bay and got the bullet out of her leg while Lincoln held Luka, trying to keep Bellamy calm. He was failing.

"How are you so okay with this?!" He yelled at the taller man. "My sister, you wife, mother of your first child got shot and you not mad?!"

"Trust me, Bellamy, I'm not mad," Lincoln turned to look at the soldier who fired at his wife. "I'm furious. I'm trying not to rip this throat out. I wouldn't want Luka to see that."

Bellamy stilled a bit at this. He knew Lincoln was a Grounder and know how to do terrible things to the human body, but he never showed it. He was always clam and gentle, and took his time explaining things to Luka. But right now, Bellamy saw a storm behind his normally placid eyes. It kind of scared him, and he was suddenly grateful that Luka was there to stop him him from killing the guy.

"Lincoln," Clarke called softly as she emerged from the drop ship. Lincoln and Bellamy's eyes were on her. She smiled a soft smile at the worried boys. She never thought she'd see the day where these two got along. "She fine and she's asking for you."

Lincoln looked like he was going to cry in happiness. He reached forward and gave Clarke a big hug, then held Luka close to him. "Mama?" Luka's little voice asked her.

Clarke nodded and held onto one of his hands. She brought it to her lips and kissed his little fingers gentle. "Yes, Lu-Lu. Mamas okay." Knowing his mother was okay he started to urge his father forward.

"Thank you Clarke. Thank you." With that he rushed inside to see his wife. Happy cries were heard.

Bellamy sighed and rubbed his face with one hand while the other rested on his hip. "Thank God for Clarke Blake." He mumbled. She sighed and wrapped her arms around him. He in turn pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head. "You okay, Mrs. Blake?" She shrugged in his arms. He knew she was shutting down, like she had when she lost Aurora. He couldn't go through that again. "Clarke?" She just buried her face into his chest.

Looking up Bellamy saw Abby watching them. He sighed and looked down at his wife. She didn't seem like the same twenty-three year old she had been this morning. She looked like she was seventeen again, looking at earth for the first time. He lifted her chin with his hand gently and made her look at him. "I love you." He told her before kissing her passionately. She responded quickly, tugging him closer, wanting, needing more of him.

Smirking, Bellamy broke his lips away from hers. She frowned up at him. "We can't exactly get into it in front of the whole camp. Not to mention your mother." Clarke rolled eyes at him as she pulled him down to whisper in his ear.

"And you say I'm the tease in the relationship." Her lips then started to press themselves into the hot skin of his neck. It was all Bellamy could do not to groan and push her against the wall. He was trying stay focused on the fact that his mother-in-law was watching the display of affection with a look of horror mixed with shock.

"Clarke, your mother's watching us." He sighed, but immediately moaned after. She had located his sweet spot. Damn her. "Clarke Blake, if you don't stop I'm not sure I'll be able to." She shrugged and smirked against his skin. "Not kidding now, Princess. If you don't stop then-"

"Excuse me?" Clarke stopped at the sound of her voice. She pulled away from her husband to glare at her mother. Clarke tucked herself behind Bellamy, who held one of her hands in his big one. "But I was wondering if I could speak with Clarke." Her voice was soft, but both Blake's knew that she was going to talk with Clarke no matter what.

"I have nothing to say to you." Clarke spoke with venom in her voice. She'd survived six years on the ground without her mother, five years of being married, four after Nova was born, making her the first mother on the ground and four months with her new baby. She didn't need her mother then and she didn't need her now.

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