Chapter Two

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"Percy?" I couldn't see a thing. I didn't know what was happening. I didn't know what to do, all I want is to see Percy. We could do anything together. We needed to. If we didn't we wouldn't be able to see her again.

"He isn't here."

"Who said that?"

"No one," the voice spoke again.

It got silent, the quietest I've ever heard.

'Percy please, we need to do it for her.'


Death is a weird thing. I was standing over my buddy Kyle who just got stabbed, I couldn't help but stare. Not cause I wanted to, because I didn't know what to do. Was my friend going to die? I didn't know. I wasn't enjoying this at all. All I wanted was to get home. I lived in California, San Fransico. Thats where I go to a "summer camp" for most of my year.

This Summer camp isn't a normal summer camp. They train us to be blood-sucking killers. I'm kidding. They train us to work together to protect ourselves and others, ya know. Normal things. I've been going there since I was a child. My parents also went there in their youth. They were apart of this cult? Okay, thats another joke. They were apart of this group. Called the seven. The strongest demigod of their generation.

I was always in their shadows...

"Hey look its Frank and Hazles kid."

I can physically and mentally say how much I've heard that.

"Maybe one day you'll be as great as your folks."


I ran to my friend. I looked back at him and his wound. I knew what to do. I know what to do. I took the thin scarf that was around my neck. If I wrapped it around multiple time it would be fine. I took his leg and wrapped it multiple times, tighter each time. I looked him in the eyes, "How do you feel."

"Alive, so don't get any thoughts," he laughed.

"Very funny."

I picked him upstanding and wrapped his arm around me. We needed to get back to camp. The only problem was that we were not in California. We were in New York. Our quest was pretty simple. Bring a girl to camp. As you can tell that didn't go so well. If I could get to Camp Half-Blood then someone could replace Jack and help me. Or else that girl might- I didn't finish my sentence, I couldn't think like that.

I knew we were close to the camp, I looked up. The night would overcome us in a few hours, we needed to hurry. We went west and continued until we saw the dragon. I looked at Jack, eyes wide.

I looked at him, 'Don't say a word,' I mouthed. He nodded. I looked back at his cut. The blood seeped through the fabric. We needed to hurry. We walked through the gates/ entrance.

We walked up the mountain, as soon as we were far away enough I spoke, "How are you feeling."

"Well, I'm still in pain."

His eyes started to cross and he mumbles things I couldn't understand. "Gwet bom halp," he fainted falling to the ground dragging me with him, we rolled down the mountain/hill with force.

I yelled, not anything in particular. We needed help or- I couldn't continue. If- if he- didn't make it. We landed at the bottom. It was finally dark. The moon was bright, it shined on me. If we were here for something good, I might have thought it was beautiful. I tried to get up but couldn't. Before I knew it I was out like a light.

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