Chapter Seven

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Kai Zhang

"So, um father, we have news, it's pretty important."

Pretor Frank looked surprised, "Oh it is? Well, what is it?"

I looked back at Valeria and Zoe, Zoe nodded while moving her hand, "Do you know anyone named-"

He was interrupted by a speaker, just like the one at Camp Half-Blood. I hoped to the gods it had nothing to do with us. I was wrong of course. Things started going by fast, a guy rushed in the room we were in and came and whispered in Pretors Frank, eh i mean Father's ear, he looked up at us and then back and Hazle and the guy.

"Oh, Shit-"

I looked back at the girls. My father wouldn't arrest me, but them. I wouldn't know. Maybe as a courtesy to Valeria parents, he would just look her in a room, but Zoe? I don't know. He'd think that she set it all up, and we were criminals. I looked back at Zoe, we made eye contact.

The ringing soon stopped, we didn't move an inch. Dad nodded towards the guy, he left swiftly only to return soon after with two other men. Father looks sad but then he motions towards us.

I saw Zoe panic silently. One guy went towards Val and the other two went to us. They tried to grab us, "What the hell are you doing?"

"You are in violation of the pact, you must be contained."

"No thanks." Zoe looked at me and Val. Val was also struggling. My father and mother talked in the corner, near the door. If we ran out we'd have to go through them. I stepped on the guy's foot, he made a silent noise, falling to the ground.

I pushed my father and mother out of the way and Zoe and Val ran out. Not gonna lie it wasn't the best scene. It all went in slow motion. My father was in shock, so was my mother. The looks on their faces will forever be engraved in my mind.

The camp has changed quite a bit since my parents were young. Due to damage to battles, there was now this giant hill in our way. I could already see Vals's face. It made me smile a little. when she got on the hill she stumbled on this boy, I was too far down to see who. She stopped for a second. And you want to know what she did? She grabbed his hand and started running!

Oh. My. Fuxking. Gods.

Resiting arrest, pushing the pretor, and now KIDNAPPING. We were on our violations. If we got caught they were going to kill us.

We finally got to the boat dock. "What the hell was that?"

"I know you. You're always in my dreams." She looked at Zoe, "You know him too."

Zoe nodded, "Yeah, I do. But, we just met so, only by name."

Jessie looked kinda sad, guess she rejected him. Poor guy.

They find one more and their quest begins to save the world before the end.

"Find one more and their quest begins to save what values most before the end." Zoe smiled, "Well, it's your lucky day."

I signed "We'll fill you in later."

"Um, okay."

We each grabbed an end of a boat. So just imagine four kids running with a boat over their heads. I admit it wasn't the best scene. The men started to chase us again.

"Oh yeah, they hate us."

Jessie looked back, "Of course they do."

We put the boat in the ocean, Lake? Well, we pushed off, the men couldn't do anything about it. We all celebrated silently. We were all out of breath, mainly because of panic. I wished that my father would have heard me out. We wouldn't have gotten Jessie involved, but here we were in a boat that barely fit all four of us.

After sometimes passed we explained everything to Jess, leaving out Amelia and the bags. I prayed to the gods and every beautiful thing in the world that he wouldn't ask any questions, but you know the gods, they don't care about us Romans.

As soon as night came it got harder. We were all had basically no sleep.

"Should we sleep in rounds?" Zoe asked, "I can keep watch."

Val nodded, "I think thats the best idea, are you sure you want to keep watch though? I can if you want."

"Yeah, it's fine."

Zoe nodded, "What about you two?"

"I'm not really tired," Jessie looked at Zoe

"Well, I am so goodnight."

I switched spots with Jess then the night began. It wasn't long before I had my first nightmare. Amelia was there along with my brother. It was weird. To me, she was the wicked witch. But, other than blame us for taking her 'precious fleece,' I've never physically seen her do anything bad or evil. I need to learn that not all pretty girls are all rainbows and unicorns (me too Kai, me too).

I saw then moving their mouths and then, bam! It happened so fast. The rocks broke underneath them sending them down. I couldn't see where they were. I looked all over the place for a sign for anything. And thats when I saw a sign. A literal sign.

'The Room of Apollo, stay out!'

Delos, thats where we're going!

No one can be birth or die on Delos... Meaning, my brother might still be alive...

A/N: Hello guys! How are you all doing? I'm pretty good. Kinda bored, not gonna lie. I ate all my chips, so im hungry now. I say more people are reading, Hello 3 How are you guys?

Well, they finally meet Jess, I couldn't think of another way to introduce him, so you guys get this. I hope you all like it, hahaha... I'm not really a big fan of this chapter but it's whatever. I also changed my mind by giving Val any older siblings. You all know those stories were all the kids are the same age, like each of them had a girl or boy, yeah I didn't want to do that to myself, so yeah.

The girl with the pretty eyesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن