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Rhianne's P.O.V.

"Good morning everyone!. Welcome to the final stage of Solros Competition. The last challenge will be designing a room using all your work in the previous stage of this competition. Of course we have other furniture that is located on the other room all you have to do is find it and put a mark on things that you will be needed within thirty minutes. We will also give you an hour for planning for the interior design of your own room. Good luck to both teams. "

After the task was given, both teams choose one representative to find the room and put a mark on the added furniture that will be needed. They choose River for the reason that he is fast enough to mark the furniture and has a excellent eye for beauty. He know what is good and bad both quality and quantity.

They just miss something important. He doesn't have a sense of direction. So basically he struggles to find the room where the furniture is. River literally opens every door on the floor they are currently in. By the time he found the room.

The Griffle team already make a marked on what they are needed and he was force to choose the best of what was left. River also chooses woods and flanks just because he was fallen in love with it. He can't take his hand off with it, enough to feel that he will die if he could not take it.

"I'm sorry." River said, his head was face on the floor.

"It is okay." Rhianne tapped River's shoulder.

"Now we have to plan on what's the design of the room, common guys." Lillan said in an urgent matter.

After thirty minutes of planning. The two teams got back to the room and face each other again for changes of the task.

"Good afternoon Griffle and Beager Team. We call upon you because of some changes. The judges generously extend the deadline. Each team are given another two days to design the room so they are expecting a lot on what the outcome will be. Good luck on each team, your time starts now." Each team disappear on the room without uttering a word and plan again for the design since they are give a lot of time. Each team worked on their room with one to two hours of sleep within two nights. The original design was gradually change as time pass by. On the day they finish it. Each of them is all felt exhausted. They have to thank the makeup artist for they looked a little fresh on the screen even though they are very exhausted inside.

"Good morning everyone welcome to the Final stage of Solros Competition 2020. The time has come that we can see the design of each team. However the design is one of the criteria but how you sell it would make a lot of difference. This time each team will provide a representative to give a little insight of your design and the viewers as well as judges will vote for you team. The vote's will have a big impact on almost twenty five percent of the criteria. Each are give thirty minutes. The time starts now. "

She can't take it anymore. This is the first time they given a team with two days straight task and they even have to present it. She can't even think properly, how much for her team mates who take a lot of effort. They lose ten minutes of the time just to stare at each other. No one will dare raise their hand because they lack the confidence to sell such idea. They focused mainly on the design thinking that such thing would never happen. They can't help but to sigh for their helplessness.

"I will do it." After a long period of silence she said to her team mates. After all she worked on a furniture company, long enough to know what might need to say. She still has doubts if she can do it, but she definitely doesn't have really a choice but to face it and eventually thinking that it will be finish soon. Thirty minutes is up and the representative of the Griffle team is already talking on the stage.

The room that they designed is flashing on the big screen behind him. The room they designed is quite cozy and spacious yet it has an elegant aura that every people think. "Ahhh, I want that room." Even she is quite taken for his words. She just shrugs and focused.

"Now let's welcome Ms. Levie as she represents the room of Beager team."

"Good morning every one. In this generation we struggle for house and room that is spacious enough for a small room, since we have a large population at current time. So we designed a room which is spacious, yet accessible and useful.... " She faced the screen as she looked at the design while explaining it. They make used of the woods and flanks that River fell in love with to make an improvised bed just slightly below the roof.

Luckily the furniture and painting from previous stages has blended on the color of the current design. The team always make the furniture and art which is always accessible and very useful in some aspect that a customer might needed in a room.

The twist is, one single glance is not enough to know that the furniture is there because it camouflage through the rest of the design. The theme is simple yet useful. She just found herself in the middle of the crowd give a big of applause. She felt overwhelmed.

She vowed and say "That's all thank you." After that she move to take her sit where Beager team seated.

"Your great sis." Lillan whisper. She blushed

"Thank you." She whispered too and smile. The smiles vanish when she saw Dean with Aurora by her side. After some time the emcee is back on stage to announce the winner.

"Now we are back to the most awaited moment and the winner is...." Then the sound came in as we are waiting for the result, every one is quite anxious and wishing that it would be my team.

"Let first make them a big of applaud for they done a really good job. This year's competition is quite daring in their task that... " The emcee stop when he felt the death glare of both teams. He cleared his throat and starts to speak.

"And the winner is.... "Again, the sounds overpower in the room.

"Congratulation to the BEAGER TEAM!!" She could not help to hug Lillan and his team. "We won!, we won!" She shuddered when she felt a sudden cold air run through her back. She looked at her back and saw Dean covering a not so good aura. She slowly release from the hug of her team mates and smiled at him. After the long congratulatory scene, the two teams shake their hands and paid respect for each other.

"We have to get back to the room and rest first." Lillan said as they are walking through the parking lot.

"Ahmmm, I will not going back yet. I have an appointment."

"Really?" She avoided his eyes.


"Ok, have fun with him." She blushed with his straightforward words.

"Bye Lillan." She turned his back and go to the other part of parking area. She felt happy and contented, of course life doesn't end here but it can be a start of many promises. She giggled as she imagine Dean and her dating. She just startled as someone snatch her waist in the dark side of parking area. A smile automatically appeared on her lips thinking that it must be Dean. Her smiled slowly faded when she saw a masked person hugging her. She tried to struggle and shout for help but it covered her mouth.

"What are you doing with her?" She heard Dean said. Dean attacked the one who is holding her but it was fast enough to avoid Deans attacked.

"Who are you?" But they heard nothing. She felt that she was forcefully dragged when Dean attacked again, this time Dean snatches his mask. Shock was an understatement. She can't even move her body. Why the man has no face at all. Even Dean stops at what he saw.

"No!" She utters a word when another mask man hit Dean in the back of his head causing him to lie on the ground unconscious. Then slowly her sight covered and darkened her world.


Rayeen's P.O.V.

Just what the was that about.

My.. My hero and... and heroin just kidnapped  before  my eyes.

Just who the hell hack my account?

This is not supposed to be the end of the story I was pictured it to be...

I am sorry guys..

But somehow I can't control it

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