NO ONE 101?

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Her eyes widened as a white car keep rushing toward her with utmost speed and she can't even move. Her mind panicked as to what will happen to her.

"I will be dead!" She tried to place his arms around her face on impulse hoping that it might protect him from the impact.

The car tried to avoid her at the last second and was crush by a truck. All scenes have happened in front of her eyes.

"What happened?" Then her eyes wandered at the unfamiliar place. How did she get into the middle of the road?

"Where am I?"

Her head is busy analyzing things when someone grabs her shoulder. She looks into it and a masked man is an inch closer to her face.

She struggles to be freed but the masked man is consistent until darkness covered her again.

"Oh no... Not again.."

After a while...

She woke in a dim little room, she tried to sit in a bed. She scanned the place and saw a window looking through it in the sky, so she concluded that they are in a high place.

Her eyes flew in the door when she heard a door open. It's a masked man.

"Who are you" He walks toward me and stands in front of me not saying anything. Until he takes off the mask. She swears, the first time she thinks is to scream and she has done it but no voice is coming out in my throat.

"What is happening?" she tried to say something but nothing happen.

The man in front of her lift his hand and touch her chin guiding her head to look at the mirror that she never notice earlier and it terrifies the hell out of her. She wanted to scream but she doesn't have a mouth.

She imagined her eyes are popping out on her head but she doesn't have an eye. She can feel that she is breathing but she doesn't have a nose. The only thing she had in her ears.

She tried to touch every inch of her face but she can't feel anything. Then the man in front of her gave her a pen and paper, after a while, the man lifts a paper that written.

"My name is No one, who are you?" She moved to write in the paper.

"My name is Thee." She thought how weird the name is. "No one? Is that even a name?" Who gave this person such an unappealing name?

She just sighs, she didn't even know if it is a person. She stopped where her thoughts trail. She is a person thus No one is a person too. She moved to write again.

"Are you a woman or a man?"

"I don't know?"

"Hu? what do you mean you don't know?" She was even puzzled. Even though the man doesn't have a face his body reacts so unsure in things she asked, so she concluded that somehow it is true. So she changed her question.

"Where are we?" The man seems to feel alive as if saying "I know that!" and move quickly to write.

"Inside a story." She just froze for a minute thinking if this man in front of her is mad or crazy, but her view flew in the mirror again and saw her face.

She just changed her mind and decided to be crazy because what she saw is crazy enough, so everything this man is telling. She will just digest it.

"Can you tell me what story it is?" She wrote. The man moved and reached two notebooks, one for him and the other notebook is for her.

She decided the gender of the man as "He" means man or a person. So he

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