Anxiety Attack #2

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Bakugo POV

"We'll do that tomorrow" I say before checking the time. 'Shit, I'm supposed to clean the kitchen before mother comes home. Today's a Monday, that when mother is drunk. As they continue to talk to me I ran home. "Hey, Bakubro where are you going" I ignored him and kept running.


At Bakugo's home


I ran in and quickly started doing the kitchen. When I was finished I ran into my room and started doing homework. I heard my mother slam the front door and come into my room. "Katuski, come here" I knew she was drunk so I followed her orders. As soon as i was there I felt pain on my stomach. It been an hour since she started to beat me, she stopped beating me, usually I got 2-4 hour beating so this one was different. A little after she left i started to have a panic attack I turned on my phone, plugged my ear buds in and listen to music.

A little later I started to calm down and Scroll through Facebook, (Sorry, couldn't think of any other word for Facebook.) As i was scrolling I seen a karaoke ad and decided to go there. This karaoke was three blocks from where I lived and it wasn't a bar so that ment teens and kids could go there. Five minuets passed by and I seen the karaoke. I walked in and i could hear people singing. They were singing counting stars I seen a small line of people for karaoke and walked to the back of the line.

I decided that I would sing City of devils when it was my turn. Fifteen minuets passed by and it was my turn. As soon as I sang I knew that this was the way to help my anxiety become more calm.


Three month later and after school


Today I was going strait to the karaoke I like to call my secrecy place. It's called "Cantillation" (I think it stands for Carol? I'm not sure.) No body knew I went there not even the Bakusquad. As I was walking to the karaoke I was picking out a song, I decided tat i was going to sing This Town. I walked up to the karaoke and seen the security guard. "Hey Ron" "Hey Katsuki, what song are you going to sing today" "Ron, for the millionth time I tolled you to call me Bakugo like everyone else here" "But I want to call you Katsuki." "Fine whatever" "Katuski, you never answered my question." "Oh yeah, im going to be singing This town" I say smiling at him before walking in."I'll been in there in 3 minuets, see you soon Katuski." "See ya then Ron"


Mina POV


The Baku squad secretly follows him after school because he hasn't hang out with us for a whole whopping three months. We see him come up to a building and start talking to a person before going in. We stay hidden in a bush near by for 5 Minutes and walk in the building. We see neon sings, a karaoke station, and a small buffet full of food. A little later we see Bakugo at the Karaoke station. As soon as we hear him sing I pull out my phone and start recording.


Bakugo POV


As soon as I'm done singing I seen the Bakusquad run out. I got of stage,walked out and started running towards the UA dorms. I ran into the common room where the Bakusquad was showing the whole class the video. They all look up at me as I start to run towards my room. 

As soon as I got to my dorm room I locked the door, put on a hoodie went to my bed and started crying. I started to have a panicked attack. I heared a knock on my door. I hear Kirishima start talking, as long as some other voices. "Bakubro its me, Kirishima. Also the whole Bakusquad is here. Can you open the door, please?" "G-G-Go a-away" I screem stuttering. I see the door knob turn. "Bakubro open up, were worried about you." I hear him screaming. I couldn't say anything. All i could do was cry louder if that was possible. I hear more voices "Kacchan open the door, the whole class is getting worried." "G-go a-a-away y-you damn n-n-erd!" I was starting to hyperventilate. I hear voices in my head, I put my hands on my ears and activated my qurik by accident. Three minutes later my lungs started to collapsed and I couldn't breath, everything was getting blurry by the second. I seen someone forcefully open the door, it looked like Kirishima. I seen his lips were moving but I couldn't hear him. "K-Kiri, I cant hear you" I said very softly. I couldn't hear my voice, am I deaf! I thought to myself. I start to feel dissy and I passed out. The last thing I could remember is being in Kirshima's arms and him crying.

Hey, you made it the end. This took me 2 hours and 30 minuets to make. Right now it 12:28 Am. Hopefully you like the book so far. See ya

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