2 Surprises in one! #4

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(This is the next day BTW. Also 'This is an Example for Sign languages')

Kirishima POV

I woke up and I open my phone and text the Bakusquad

"Hey Guys! Wanna see Bakubro today!"  The Bakusquad said yes so I told them to get ready and meet me by the door. I get finish changing and I go to the door. (Thankfully it was the weekend so we cold visit Bakugo) I thought to myself. When everyone else arrived we started to walk. They asked me if I was going to teach The whole Bakusquad since they would all be there. I told them I was already planning on to because its easier then teaching one person first.

We got to Bakugo's Room and sat down next to him. 'Hey Bakubro, are you ready for the next lesson?' 'Yeah sure, but why is everyone here' 'I started to teach them sign to so they could help me teach the rest of he class after.' 'Ok, so your going to be teaching all of us' 'Yep, We should get started. We only have about 2 hours so.'

Bakugo POV

After they left I pulled out my phone. I got this app to help me practice sign language since I'm probably going to have to know it. I start by practicing the new signs I learned today so i can get used to them. About an hour later the nurse comes in with the food and we started to talk. (She's typing to talk to Bakugo since he doesn't know all of the signs) I asked on when I could possibly leave and she said in about 2 days. She asked if why I mentioned that so I told her that i was going to surprise them. I asked if she and some other Doctors/Nurse's could help. She said that she could but shed have to ask everyone else and left to go do so.

When she came back she said that most of everyone could. After that we started to make a plan on how surprise them. She suggested that she and some other people would go shopping for me and meet me back at the dorms. I said sure to that but I told her that I wanted to surprise the teachers to. I said that I could ride to the UA dorms with them if they would be able to from Principle Nezu and they could possibly help me decorate with some stuff. She went onto her phone and called Principle Nezu and asked the question. She gave a thumbs up so I knew that they could.


Next Day


Before Kirishima came over I texted him to bring The class and teachers here tomorrow, he asked why so I told him that I wanted to see everyone tomorrow and I only wanted him to come today. He said that he would. The nurse came back in and she brought more people that were going to help with the plan. She said that they would tell them that they were doing operation on me and she'll tell them that they should go by some stuff for me and drop them off at the dorms and come visit me. She said she would text someone that would go with me and help decorate on when they are coming. 

I told her that I was planning on making food for everyone even the Nurses/Doctors. They all said thank you and left. A little later Kirishima came in and told me that everyone would be here tomorrow, even the teachers. I smiled at him before we started the teaching process. 2 hours later we were finished so I hopped on to my phone before the nurses came in. 

We talked about the plan that we were going to do and how everyone would be feeling after seeing me out of a hospital bed. Today they tried to help me walk since the only time I got up and walked was when I needed to go to the bathroom. As soon as I got the hang of it they stopped holding onto me and I walked around. They told me to go to bed after that because I was going to need some energy tomorrow.


Next Day


I woke up exided and waited for the nurses to come so I could got to the dorms. Since there was school today everyone was at school. They gave me clothes so I could change. After I was done changing they signaled that the coast was clear for me to walk out so no one from UA seen me. We all got into the car and went to the dollar store so we could pick up decoration. They said that they would pay for everything because I was going to make food for everyone. When we got to the dorms they started to decorate. Some people came over to me to help me just in case I needed help.

Once the decorations were all up everyone helped me get all of the food ready. I looked like we were having a Fiesta instead a party because of all the food that was on the counters. The Nurse said that they were coming to the dorms so we did some finishing touches before turning off the lights and hiding. Well I should say I his because the doctors stood in a line blocking them for seeing me and the feast of the party. The pretended to be sad like something bad happened. I almost started to laugh but I heard the door open and the light turned on I peeked just a little and seen that everyone's faces were confused except for the nurses that went with them. The people I worked with for the party Spreaded apart so everyone could see me and the party. 

Everyone faces looked shocked. I seen some mouths open up put I can't at them. They all came in for a huge hug. Yesterday i asked Kiri to teach me some word I wanted to know and so he did. I wanted to learn them for the party. 'So, who wants to party!' I smile while doing sign I think only the Bakusquad understands me because they signed back yeah and I seen mouth open up to look like they were saying yeah. Everyone else looked shocked and started to talk to me. I couldn't hear what they were saying so I put up the stop sign with my hand and glared at Kirshima's with a "You didn't tell them did you" look. He replied with a "No i didn't" look. I slap my forehead "YOU IDIOT!" I said yelling. 'I'm sorry, I forgot to tell them' The Bakusquad came up to Kiri and I. "Did you guys forget to tell them too" I said calm 'Yeah' They all signed back "HOW CAN I HAVE A GROUP THAT'S SO STUPID! TELL THEM ALREADY!" I slap my forehead again. 

I see The Bakusquad get everyone's attention. Everyone but Kiri were talking because he had to sign for me so I knew what they were talking about. 'Ok, so Bakugo wanted us to tell you why he wasn't answering your questions and also why we were using hand motions to communicate with Bakugo. Well, he is deaf and the hand motions that were doing was called sign language. Right now Kiri is trying to teach the Bakusquad Sign language so then when we know everything we could help teach you.' I look at everyone face, they all seemed surprised. They come running over to me piling up on me. They make me fall over so I can feel my throat vibrate a little. Everyone stops piling me and get off of me. 'Let's eat! Were not waisting the food i cooked.' Kirishima translated for me so everyone knew what I said. They all digged in showing there faces with food. 'Bakugo, I didn't know that you knew how to make delicious food!' 'Shut up dunce face. At least I can cook' 

Once we all ate well watched a movie. Most of us fell asleep but I didn't for some reason. I picked up Kiri, went to my Dorm, set him down on my bed and change. I went to my bed layed down and close my eyes. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me before I fell asleep.

Holy-.I didn't even realised that ai made this over 1,000 words. Usually it takes me 2 hours for 1,000 words but this time it took only 1 and a half hours! Hope you enjoyed this trashy chapter! Bye

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