Mystery 5 Split

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Outside the warehouse Mystery 5 walked up to the  SUV and Scrappy, Willy, and William loaded a few water gallons into the back.

"Ashley, in case you do have pyrophobia now, you might want to find a good psychologist." Michelle randomly states

Ashley glared at her as Tyler came up, having heard about what happened  on the news and knowing Ashley may need a ride home soon.

"Is that a threat or insult??" Ashley asked, her anger partially getting the best of her at the moment

"No, it wasn't." Michelle replies. "It was literally just a precaution suggestion."

"Well, it certainly seemed like an insult!" Ashley said in response

Tyler put his hand on her shoulder, hoping to calm her down. However, all shey did was push his hand off of her shoulder.

"If you do ever make an actual insult to me, Michelle, I WILL choke you by any means necessary!" Ashley added

"I LITERALLY was just making a suggestion as a precaution in case you DO have pyrophobia!!" Michelle snapped

The two were about to get into a fight until Johnathan shoved them apart as William looked over.

"Look, you two, I know  I may just be the dude that carries the bags." William comments. "But, like, it seems to me we all play a very,  VERY important part in this group."

Scrappy finished loading the water gallons into the SUV.

"I mean, we're just, like, a big delicious banana split." William starts. "Johnathan, Tyler, you're the BIIG bananas. Ashley, you're the strawberry and bubble gum flavored ice cream, Michelle, you're the sweet and sour mustard sauce, Scrappy's the chocolate sprinkles, and Willy's the whipped cream that goes on top."

"You know, what,  William?? You really have put this group into perspective for me and i've made a decision based on my emotions of the night..." Ashley starts

"Thanks. Glad I could help." William replies

"..I quit." Ashley finished

Everyone went wide eyed.

"You can't quit, Ashley! What the hell are we supposed to do without you? You are the smartest one out of all of us!" Michelle replies

"You sure you wanna quit, Ashley?" Tyler asked in a gentle tone, hoping to calm her down

"If she is quitting, i'm quitting too!" Johnathan snaps before walking off, quitting as well

"I'm outta here..." Ashley said as she walked off

Michelle leaned down to Scrappy and said, "Keep William and Willy under control for me, ok?"

Scrappy nodded indicating he'll do his best to keep William and Willy safe and under control. Michelle smiled a little before shapeshifting into her dragon form and saying, "Good riddance, for now."

A Michelle took off flying, William pleaded "No, guys, don't go!! Come on, you guys don't do this!"

Tyler shrugged and patted William's shoulder before following Ashley

"Please don't go...." William adds

Willy whimpers as he looks at William and asks, "HDo I quit?"

William looks at Willy and says, "No, Willy, friends don't quit."

As Scrappy and Willy got into the back of the SUV, William got in the driver's seat and started driving.

"What bow William?" Willy and Scrappy ask as William drives off

"I guess we'll all just do what we do bet, you two." William answers

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