Fred, Velma, Ashley, Johnathan, and Michelle's near death experience

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Later that night, Daphne had gathered up Shaggy and Scooby and the three of them were at the Spook Island Castle.

"No way..." Shaggy said clearly not wanting to go into the castle

"Shaggy..." Daphne lightly scolds

"Scoob and me don't do castles!" Shaggy states

"And why not?" Daphne questioned

"Because, castles have paintings with eyes that watch you, and suits of armor you think is a statue, but there's a guy inside who follows you every time you turn around!" Shaggy answers

"How many times has that actually happened??" Daphne asked, skeptical

"Twelve." Shaggy answered. "We're not gonna do it."

"RThat's right." Scooby adds as him and Shaggy start walking off

Daphne reaches into her handbag and pulls out a Scooby Snack.

"Scooby?" Daphne speaks, holding out the Scooby Snack

Scooby turned around, and walked forward with a limp, acting like his paw was hurt and whimpering.

"Aww.....did you hurt your paw?" Daphne asked, getting a nod from Scooby before holding out the Scooby Snack. "Would you do it for a Scooby Snack?"

Scooby went wide eyed and he got excited and said, "ROh, boy! Reah, yeah, yeah, yeah!"

"And you'll be fearless?" Daphne adds

"RFearless??" Scooby scoffs as he gets up on his back legs and attacks the air a few times but hits Shaggy on accident

"Ow, hey, Hong Kong Phooey, watch the fists of fury, would ya buddy?" Shaggy asked in a joking manner

"Here you go." Daphne said, tossing the Scooby  Snack to Scooby who promptly ate it. "There's plenty more where that came from. Now, let's go before someone sees!"

"ROkay." Scooby said, following Daphne up to the door

Daphne turned back to Shaggy and said, "You're not going to stay out here alone, are you?"

"No thank you." Shaggy responds, following the two

Once the three went into the castle, they all looked around the area they stepped into. There were cobwebs, dusty roller coaster carts, dusty statues, and a lot of creepy stuff. Once fully in, Daphne closed the door behind the three.

"This place is, like, uber creepy." Shaggy comments

"Reah, uber creepy." Scooby responds

"The only thing missing is a mindless zombie." Daphne says

Just then, a loud slamming is heard, making  Shaggy and Scooby scream as  Scooby jumped into Shaggy's arms and when the three looked over, all they saw was Fred, Johnathan, Michelle, and Ashley stepping through the door.

"Fred, please don't ever scare us like that again." Daphne said

"Sorry about that." Fred apologizes

"We followed some weird footprints up here. They weren't like anything humanoid or animal." Michelle states

"So be careful, everyone." Johnathan adds

Daphne rolls her eyes and says, "If anyone messes with me, i'll just open a can of 2,000 year old Chinese whoop-ass on them."

Just then, the statue behind Daphne moves up behind her and puts a hand on her shoulder making her spin around and scream. However, Velma and Diana poked their heads out from behind it, Velma chuckling.

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