Ashley's hiking experience

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One year after Mystery 5 had broken up and one month after Michelle had apologized over the phone, Ashley was taking a hiking trip up a mountain. One she's never hiked along before.

"This is really peaceful. Having time to myself can really help get what happened a year ago off my back." Ashley said to herself

Ashley smiled as she reached a path meant for hiking and looked at the wildlife along the path, mostly consisting of various types of birds and foxes. Even a few deer.

However, Ashley's phone started ringing and when she checked the caller ID, she saw that it was Tyler. Out of respect she answered and put the phone on speaker.

"Hey, Tyler." Ashley greets

"Hey, Ashley. How are you?" Tyler asked

"I'm doing fine. How about you?" Ashley replies as she walks

"I'm doing great, atually. Also, there's something I gotta tell you about." Tyler states

"What is it?" Ashley asks

"A letter of some sort from a guy named Emile Mondavarious. It's a letter requesting you to go to Spooky Island to take are of something strange going on." Tyler explains. "The letter states that the payment would be $10,000."

"Hmmm......" Ashley hums in thought before taking a deep breath and sighing. "Sadly, i'm gonna have to deny the offer. Still gotta get over what happened a year ago."

"It's alright." Tyler said in a soothing, and calming attemptive voice. "By the way, where even are you, right now?"

"I'm taking a hike. Along a path i've never taken before that's on a mountain i've never been to before." Ashley explains. "I should be at the park for our scheduled meeting in a few hours at most."

"Okay, see ya there." Tyler replied before hanging up on his end of the phone call

"See ya." Ashley replied before she hung up on her end of the conversation and put her phone up

She then started humming as she walked. OShe then stopped by an old cave, littered along the wall in diamonds.

"Odd....thought this mountain didn't have any diamond caves. Or even caes at all, for that matter." Ashley comments to herself as she stepped into the cave and pulls out her phone and turns on it's flashlight

She looked around the cave with the flashlight, seeming confused about why the cave was here and why there were diamonds. That's when she saw a faint green glow from in the cave.

Upon closer inspection of the green glow, it seemed to be coming through the cracks in-between some white diamonds.

"What the???" Ashley whispered

Ashley looked around to make sure that no one else was around. Then, she carefully moved the diamonds out of the way. What she saw confused her. A dark green crystal of some sort. She was confused about what it was until she remembered seeing a picture that looked like the exact crystal she's looking at in a book somewhere.

"An..... Earth Dragon Slayer crystal?" Ashley says confused. "What is a crystal doing here?"

Ashley took another look around before slowly picking up the crystal. She looked at it from several angles and shrugged. However, after she went to leave, the next thing she knew, the crystal phased into her. This, naturally got her confused as she looked around. She checked her pockets in case it somehow ended up in her pockets.

After a short tingling feeling, she took a deep breath, finally realizing that it became part of her. The crystal was part of her and she now had the ability of Earth Dragon Slayer magic, but just didn't know how.

"Well I guess  I better get home." Ashley said as she walked out of the cave

She then heard it start to rain and grabbed a large leaf from nearby and used it as an umbrella as she started running, having to use the leaf since she didn't have her actual umbrella on her.

"Damn rain." Ashley mumbled as she ran

After she got home, she threw the leaf to the side and ran inside, grabbing a towel to dry off the parts of her that had gotten wet. She then walked over to a bookshelf she had installed recently and pulled a book from it, looking through it.

"Which do I start with first?" Ashley asked herself

She sighed as she closed the book.

"Guess i'll start with Earth Dragon's Claw...." Ashley said. "But this rain will have to stop before I can do anything at all, since my fighting training area is outside."

Ashley stared out the window as her phone dinged, getting a text message. She pulled out her phone to check the text and saw that it was from Johnathan, basically saying a few apologies and hoping she'll do well. Ashley smiles and responds to the text basically saying she'll be fine.

Later, after the rain had stopped, Ashley was outside in her training area, trying to learn how to get down the basics of Earth Dragon Slayer magic, currently trying to learn Earth Dragon's Claw.

She took a single step on a spot she marked around with chalk and took a deep breath. Within seconds, her leg, specifically her left one, getting surrounded by rocks from the earth her also feeling her base leg harden up a little bit and she stared right at one of the training dummies she had set up last week. She then took a step back and leapt forward, delivering as hard of a kick as she could to the test dummy.

Not only did she hit the test dummy in the head, but she kicked the head clean off. She brushed off her hands and piked up the head and stitched it back onto the test dummy.

Later, she was staring down a test dummy that was arm's length away from her. She then forms a claw like shape over her hands, the claws being made out of sharp and pointy rocks, she winced a bit but dealt with the pain, knowing that she could easily adapt, even if it took a while. She then stared at the test dummy.

Within seconds,  she delivered several punches, each slowly making the test dummy come off of it's stand. After about 7 to 8 seconds, she delivered a punch right to the head and knocked the test dummy right off of the stand and to the ground. She took a deep breath.

Later, she had bandaged her hands a little as they had gotten cut a little from the rocks. She took a deep breath with her mouth. Once she breathed out, she let out a massive maelstrom of dirt and sharp rocks, somehow not actually cutting her mouth, and the test dummy she breathed at doing this was ripped to shreds within seconds.

"I need a drink after that." Ashley comments. "Gotta wash out that taste of dirt."

Ashley then steps inside her home, walked over to her kitchen, opened up her fridge and looked at her available drinks.

"Hmm......I think i'll just have water for now." Ashley comments as she pulls out a bottle of water and starts drinking it

She knew her life would be really different on some level from now on. But one thing was on her mind. How long could she keep the fact she knows Dragon Slayer magic a secret? What would the others think if they found out All those questions she knows will be answered at some point whether she'll like the answers or not.

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