Battle Preparations

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A few days later, the students called Mike and informed him, that the Cephalon had cracked the communication of the Yammosk. With the dovin basals, it communicated via the gravitons, where the gravitons were used as means of energy carrier, the physical layer. That only worked within one solar system. The gravitons were bound to the speed of light, thus the communication quickly became inefficient with longer planetary distances. The majority of the communication, the communication between Yammosks and the domain, happened via telepathy. The students had recorded the whole entire communication, which happened so far. The Yammosk informed its domain about everything which happened, but does not seem to be aware, that its communication got tapped. Apparently, the Vong are very angry and were discussing about ways of retaliation.

Before she fell asleep, that day, the dark side came over Ahsoka: "Hello, my love, my cute Queen!"

At bedtime, Ahsoka was ready to wander off into dream land and was not very keen on a discussion with the dark side: "What is it?"

The dark side: "No appropriate greeting this time?"

Ahsoka annoyed: "I'm tired."

The dark side: "Fine, I forgive you. Putting all the information I have together, the Vong domain "Muyel" is planning an attack on the Northern Territories. This is the domain which occupied Garqi. I recommend, you strike before they strike. The Vong are using farm ships, which generate about 70% of their resources. This is how they were able to traverse the intergalactic void. The farm ships can cruise around any light source, a white dwarf, red dwarf or whatever else. The distance can obviously be adjusted to be correct. Anyways, with the information withdrawn from the Yammosk, the current position of the farm ships is known. The whole entire Muyel domain is in the region of Aquaris and Thustra. 24 farm ships, the domain's World Ship and majority of their fleet are in a solar orbit in the Thustra system. I suggest you bring the farm ships into your custody, then the Vong quickly run into a resource problem. As I know, the Vong, the retaliation will be very important for them, especially, if you strike them again. They will pump all available resources into their attack. If we manage to block the attack well, you can take the whole entire Muyel domain and the territory they hold relatively easily. Whatever farm ships you can capture, hide them in an old solar system near the Cassander System. The sun of that system is dying and has transformed to a white dwarf. In the correct distance, that sun will still be good enough for the farm ships for many a years. The advantage is, that nobody will look for the farm ships there and the distance to Garqi is comparatively small. Provisions can be easily transported to Garqi. The problem will rather be to capture them. It has to be a fast action. They are not protected, as the Vong believe their nearby World Ship and fleet will provide it quick enough. So the key is to synchronize the capture of all 24 ships and your troops need to have them under their control in less than 5 minutes. Then hyperspace has to be entered immediately to get out of the reach of the Yammosk. Data storage bugs have to be prepared with the correct hyperspace course. The Yammosk jammer from the Jedi is also needed to impair com between the Yammosk and its dovin basals. There is no time for a calculation of course, once the dovin basals have been set in motion. It has to happen within minutes, enter the commando platform, kill all personnel on it, wait for the common synchronizing go ahead, put the bug on the propulsion control platform, download the course and set the dovin basals in motion. 3 seconds later, the farm ships are in hyperspace and out of the reach of the Yammosk. It might not work fast enough on all farm ships, then either, they still manage their escape, if not your team will exit the farm ship and leave a nuke with enabled timer. Obviously, each team has to bring a nuke with them. The longer the whole operation takes, the higher the chance, the Yammosk will stop the dovin basals and the higher the chance, a Vong war ship will come and get you. It needs to be well researched, then practiced and executed."

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