Prison Break

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11 hours later, she woke up. The stench was terrible and the more her wits came back the more she realized, that the stench came from her. She was the sorce of the terrible smell. Then she remembered, she had spent about 7 hours in the sewers.

Hardly fully awake, and the dark side greeted her already: "Good morning, Ahsoka, my love, my cute Queen. Did you sleep well?"

"Well how do you sleep in a Vong armor, with the smell of several kilometers of sewer on you and a fire fighter breather in your mouth?"

"I guess terrible."

"Ah it was not too bad actually. I guess I was too tired."

The dark side teased: "Would you like to take a poor man's shower?"

Whatever a poor man's shower was, it was 100 times better than no shower: "Absolutely!"

"There is a big pod of water in the kitchen."

Not waiting for further instructions, she got up and looked for the kitchen. It did not take long, she just needed to follow the signs to the restaurant and the kitchen was right next to it. In there was a 50 l stainless steel cocking pod filled with water. The water was perfect and she first had three glasses of it then had a poor man's shower. Using the same glass, she poured water over her armor, then once the worst debris was washed off, she took it off and rinsed her body. It was so nice. She would have never thought, she would ever take a shower in a kitchen, but life held many surprises. She addressed the dark side: "Why did you not tell me about that last night?"

"Well, I wanted, but you told me and I quote: Farkle you! Let me sleep!"

Shite, she could have cleaned herself last night, take the Vong armor off and sleep so much better...

Anyways, life was soon over and it did not matter anymore: "You will show me the way to the dungeons now?"

"Certainly. Go to level -2. It's already open."

She did as instructed and found the dungeons truly open. The guards must have left in a hurry. Cells were there containing mummies, dried corpses and the torture chamber with the respective tools.

"Which one you want me to use?"

The dark side instructed: "There is a nerve inductor. Set it to 30%. You remember how it works?"

She remembered all too well how it worked. After all these years, that experience was still very fresh. Imploringly she had hoped it would not be the nerv inductor, but the dark side knew her fears. She connected the electrodes, set the device to 30% and turned it on. Surprisingly, it did not work. Off course, there was no power...

She could have looked around for a suitable power source, but she was not at all motivated: "What shall I do? Any advice in regards to a power source?"

"Well my cute Queen, can you cut the shit now and get to work", the dark side stoically replied?

"What do you mean?"

"You have to go to the top of the building and trigger one of the spheres."

Ahsoka was shooked. Why that, all of a sudden? Change of plans? "What's up? Did you change your mind?"

"No, I never wanted you to die. You were the one who wanted to commit suicide."

Ahsoka was loosing it: "I never wanted to commit suicide. You said you want pain and suffering. I assumed the ultimate punishment awaited me for having thwarted your plans a couple of times?"

"Don't worry, you will get your punishment, but now I want pain and suffering and this time, you will follow my plan! Now get to the top of the building and set the sphere up."

Queen Ahsoka (Book 4, Yuuzhan Vong War)Where stories live. Discover now