Part 5 Josh's P.O.V

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I woke up alone in Wendy's bed. I sat up rubbing my face in my hands. "Wendy?" I called for her and she poped her head out of the open bathroom door. She was brushing her teeth. "What?" SHe asked and rinsed. "Nothing." I said and she smiled. she walked of the bathroom and sat on my lap. I looked at her hazel eyes and she looked in mine. "Where are we going today that you had to dress up?" I asked and looked at her vans on, then a shirt that said 'Glamour.', then some jeans. "No where. Unless you want to go out somewhere." SHe said and I sighed. "Where would you like to go?" I asked and then the fire alarm of the buliding came on. We got out stuff that we needed and ran outside to see the top on fire. The fire cause fires on the other bulidings. Me and Wendy were the only ones out there untill loads of people came out. I pulled Wendy to the side so we weren't rambled everywhere. "You got everything in your backpack?" I asked and she nodded. I sighed and watched as she pulled her phone out. "Who are you calling?" I asked and she showed me and it said 'Aunt July'. I nodded and she talked. 15 minutes later Her aunt and uncle came. "Who is this?" Her uncle said and I smiled. "Hi sir I'm Josh Rivers." I said and he rolled his eyes. "Hurt my niece I will knock you out." Her Aunt said and Wendy slaped her forehead. but they were still staring at me. "Let's just leave him." Her uncle said and I widen my eyes. "Please don't leave me here! I don't have anywhere eles to go because my family is all the way in  Neveda." I begged and Wendy took my hand and that relaxed me. "Fine just get in the car." They said and looked up at the burning buliding. I think we left the dorm empty. When we got in Wendy was coughing. I putlled her to my side and she hummbed. "Don't leave." SHe begged and I looked at her confused. "What do you mean?" I asked. We were already in her room. "Well Everytime I fall in love they leave..." she said and I chuckled. " But I'm not them and I will never leave." I sia dnad she smiled. We slept together like always and I always have to get the door when she was  asleep. When I opened the door her aunt smiled up at me. "Hello Josh.. I'm sorry from back then.. It's just that Wendy had many boyfriends. She is very happy that she found you dear don't ruin it for her." SHe said and I looked back at Wendy. She was squirming around then hugged the pillow. "I wont." I said and she smiled wider. "Call me July." She said and I  nodded. "I promise you July that  I will keep Wendy as long asshe lets me." I said and she hugged me and left. I closed the door and Wendy's eyes pop open. "Josh?!" SHe suddenly said and I looked at her. She was having a dream about me. "I'm here love." I said getting back in bed. She was crying. I layed and she snuggled into my chest. "I thought you left." She mumbled and I pulled her closer to me. I felt like we were married when she is only what 17 and I'm 19. She fell asleep a bit after. Do I really love her this much? I fell asleep with someone knocking on the door then brought the door down. When I woke up I heard crying. I got up and went to the bathroom to see Wendy there crying. "Wendy..," I said and when I tried to get closer to her she scoot away. "What happen?" I asked and she looked up at me. "You so much Like Hunter." She said and I was shocked. "What would you compare me to him?!" I said and she hid then sighed. "He cheats..." SHe whispered and I just stared at her. "I knew you were going to leave." She added and looked at her shaking hand. "Who told you this?" I asked carefully  and she looked at me. "My uncle." SHe whisperd and I was even more pissed.

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