Untitled Part 10

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I couldn't belive my best friend kissing my crush. She knew I had a crush on him. I slammed the car door and they looked up. They all got in the car and I drove home crying to myself. "Good night girls." I said and noticed Ed wasn't here. "Where is Ed?" I asked and Payveen smiled. "I love him so much." she mumbled and I wanted to rip her right now. I went out and saw Ed staring at the turned off Tv. "Ed? Come in my room." I said and he sighed. "Wendy... Are you mad at me?" He asked and I froze when he came closer. "A little." I admited . No alot stupid! I thought to myself and he took my hand. "I'm sorry Wendy. She grabbed me and kissed me that I couldn't pull away. That girl has alot of strength let me tell you that." He said and I giggled. He smiled when he heard me. "Wendy I want you to be mine... I mean as my girlfriend..." He said and my breath hitched when he came closer.

Ed's P.O.V

From the first time I met her I fell in love with her. She was my angel. Wendy Sool. My brother Josh has told me so much about her but when she broke her heart for my Ex- girlfriend I had to have Wendy. I found out that she had a little temper against my brother the way she talked to me thinking I was him. I laughed in my head because our twin looking stuff but I was a red and he turned into a Brunette. Everyday I spent her I could see the happieness grown into her. I knew she had a crush on me that night I eavesdropped on her and Morgan. I Love her so much. SHe has a real good evil mine somtime but when we went to Karo's place that was just plane stupid and funny. WHen me and payveen egged the house she was getting too close. "Ed you know all of us have a crush on you. Even Wendy." She said and I wanted to smile but couldn't because she said All of us. "Wow I didn't notice." I said sarcastically. "Look I'm the one you should be with me. Not Wendy or Neva or Morgan. Just me." She said and I rolled my eyes. "I think Wendy is better for me." I said and she pushed me onto a tree. "Look I love you so much and I can treat you like a king. That's why I dumped Karo." SHe said and kissed me and kept me there. I heard Wendy and I got mad at Payveen. I was going to yell at her later. We all went home and I could practically see Wendy crying then the other girls glarring at Payveen. Pay wasn't bothered at all. When we went back home I stayed in the living room and they went upstairs with out me. But then Wendy came down looking half tierd and mad. SO I had to ask her. She was mad at me. I couldn't handle it She needed to be mine. SO I told her and she was calm. "And I want you to be mine too. Like my boyfriend." She responded and I kissed her soft lips. Then I heard awes and giggles from Morgan, Neva, and Payveen. "SO will you come back?" she asked and I followed her to her bed. She lets me sleep on her bed from what happen the first time. I got cuddled by the girl on the floor. But when Wendy cuddled me I don't mind. Good night world. Good night love.

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