Untitled Part 16

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The next morning I was coughing and sick. I didn't feel good at all because my allegies act up Every winter which sucks Apples.. Yes I just said sucks apples! Don't jugde me person! So Justin noticed and as the good guy he was he took care of me. He is a really really Really good boyfriend sense Texas! But we broke up for awhile and That made me depress. Even Payveen use to try to make me happy... Weirdos they are and They know it. SO I'm on the couch as instructed by Justin and bored as being in a room full of sleeping friends.. YEAH THAT BOERING! I had to because of my Boyfriend taking my phione, COmputer, Wii controller, Wii U controller, Xbox controller! Like OMG He is really trying to bore me to freaking death! "Hey Wendy." He said coming back with Honey villina tea. "Hello Person trying to kill me by Boredum." I said and He rolled his eyes. "Come on Cherry." He said and I smiled. He used to call me cherry alot because of my Beautiful (Not) Hair! "Well You are! You took my phone and my controllers!" I said and Neva came in. "Where is Morgan?" She asked and we shrugged. "Upstairs asleep I think." I said and Neva ran upstairs. I drank my tea but then spilt it  BECAUSE OF NEVA SCREAMING SUPRISED ME!! I screamed and Justin helped me dry it. "You little cow poop!" I yelled at Neva and Morgan came down smiling. "We need you." Neva said and Morgan was jumping. They pointed at Justin. "Can't you wait?!" I snapped already running up and taking off my shirt at the same time. I changed and went down to see Justin smiling and sense I'm nosy lets just listen to what they say. "So her birthday is Next week and we wanted to give her a present." He said and I nodded. "What is the present?" He asked Very slowly. "YOU!" They squeaked and His eyes went wide. "No no no no no no no NO!" He said already getting what it means. "AWWWWW! COme on Justin! I bet she wants to share a room with you!" Morgan said and sighed. "Well she is JUST my girlfriend and I was already thinking about proposing to her soon." He said and I felt my heart skip a beat. "Whoa Dude! WHEN!" Neva screeched and He sighed. "November----." I cut him off by coming in. "WHat's in november?" I asked already knowing the answer. "Nothing is... Just a friend of mine's Birthday!" He spat out and I nodded. Then there was a knock of the door. "I'll get it!" I said and Ran to the door. Then before I got to the door I was being grabbed and pulled back with a arm on my Mouth. I screamed but it only came in muffles. Then a Cotton whool thing with laughing gas on it was on my nose and I fainted. When the world was coming back to me there was a song playing in the back and some one singing along to in in a voice litle they sing in Horror movies:

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree
Where they strung up a man
They say murdered three.
Strange things have happened here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree.

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree
Where the dead man called out
For his love to flee.
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree.

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree
Where I told you to run,
So we'd both be free.
Strange things have happened here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree.

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree
Wear a necklace of hope,
Side by side with me.
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree.

I was scared cause it was Ed. I looked at him and he gave me a smirk. "Hello My dear Wendy." He said and I screamed. "Oh now now Wendy. No one can hear you hear so might as well stop." He said and I noticed I was bloody and I saw... Morgan... Hanging... From ... the wall... DEAD!! I was so scared She had blood dripping down.. AND FRESH!!! Ewwwww!!! Justin Please help me like Now! "Now Wendy. It's your turn." He said and took me out of the straps where I took the knife from him. "Wendy Be careful with that!" He yelled as i pointed at him. "No! Now leave me alone. ANd Justin and Neva." I said and he chuckled. He mumbled somthing and I was confused. "Wha---." then he stabbed me in my stomach and I fell to the ground... Good Bye Forever World. Remeber my song.

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