Beef or No Beef

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During class change, Pit and Arkayna have been hanging out with each other. They were heading to their class lockers, which are surprisingly right next to each other, when they suddenly meet up with a familiar face.

Pit: So, what's happening tonight?
Arkayna: Some of us will, let's say, tutor you on your powers.
Pit: The same for Pittoo?
Arkayna: (laughs) Mmm hmm. One question though.
Pit: Sure.
Arkayna: Do you really call Dark Pit Pittoo?
Pit: I just did, didn't I? (Both end up laughing)

Pit and Arkayna were enjoying their comradely time together so much so, that Pit unexpectedly bumped into Andrea.

Pit: Sorry, so sorry. Oh, hey Andrea.
Andrea: Hi, Pit. (Looks at Arkayna, expression turns sour) Oh, it's her Royal Highness, Princess Steals-a-Lot.
Arkayna: (sighs) Hi, Andrea.
Pit: Uh... What's going on.
Andrea: What's, like, going on is that this princess wanna be stole my life! Just listen to her side of the story and see how wrong she is!
Arkayna: All I did was be a better Captain of the Cheer Squad and hold a new record for the most amount of backflips in a cheer routine. I did nothing wrong.
Andrea: And that's where you're wrong. You stole MY Cheer Captain position, broke MY backflip record, and worst of all, became the most popular girl on MY turf!
Pit: Is there anything wrong with that?
Andrea: She stole my life, and now she's rubbing it in my face.
Arkayna: I'm not rubbing anything in anyone's face, Andrea. If anything, I'm doing you a favour! And besides, I'm actually quite humble in all this. Popularity is so overrated anyway.
Andrea: That's how you get away with murder, but I bet I'll find proof that you enjoy being popular a bit too much.
Arkayna: And where in this school would you find it?
Andrea: It's right here, in your locker! (Points to Arkayna's locker)
Pit: This is the part where we find out if one girl is wrong or not, right.
Arkayna: Right. (Opens her locker) See, Andrea. It's nothing but books and RnB posters in here.
Andrea: (groans) Fine, you win this one. But I won't rest until I get my life back.
Pit: Uhh... Andrea, haven't you heard the term "Let it Go" before.
Andrea: I have, I, like, just don't wanna. (Giggles histerically) So, are you free tonight.
Pit: Actually, I have plans tonight.
Andrea: Oh.
Pit: And they may or may not involve her. (Subtly points at Arkayna)
Andrea: Oh. My. GOSH! First, it was my position. Then, it was my record. Then, my popularity. And now PIT?!
Pit and Arkayna: (in unison) What?
Andrea: You really don't wanna stop stealing my life, don't you, Goodfey. It doesn't matter, Pittyboo and I are going to the dance together. Here's something you CAN'T steal, ha!
Pit: First of all, Andrea, please don't call me Pittyboo even again. It's cringy. Second of all, Arkayna and I are going out tonight with friends as friends. Nothing serious is going on between us. Third of all, I'm not planning on going to the dance with you anytime soon.
Arkayna: Jealousy and gluttony have consumed her soul, Pit. That's why she's acting this way.
Andrea: Silence, slave! I don't need any more of your lies. I'll bring a much better date to the dance, and then you're so gonna regret the day you stepped onto my turf. (Leaves dramatically)
Pit: So... that just happened.


Andrea was searching for boys to take to the dance, that was coming up in the next 3 weeks, just to make Arkayna jealous, but no luck. She was about to give up when she saw Sonic, Shade, Silvester, Miles, Knuckson and Dark Pit coming her way. Feeling very confident, she approached the boys with flair.

Silvester: It's not a love triangle, I'm just doing two girls a favour.
Shade: By taking both of them to the dance. Miles, does this compute?
Miles: Really, Shade. Just because I'm a... whatever. But still, that's messed up.
Silvester: I don't need your naysaying, 'cause I'm taking Blaze and Piper to the dance.
Shade: (fake sorrow) And leave me all alone. How dare you!
Silvester: Fine, I'll let you go with one of them. We will talk about it, though.
Shade: (fake sorrow turns into fake innocence) Though I am a bit of a loner, I really appreciate you doing this for me.
Andrea: Hi boys!
Sonic: Hey, Andrea. What's up?
Andrea: So glad you asked, Sonic. I need a favor from one of you.
Miles: Let me guess, it has to do with that "brat princess" Arkayna, doesn't it.
Andrea: Ding! Y'know, I don't get why Taylor has some beef with you, you're a genius.
Miles: (sarcastically) Why wouldn't she have beef with me? (Facepalms)
Andrea: Would any of you take this gorgeous package to the dance? Sonic?
Sonic: Sorry, Andrea. I'm taking Amy to the dance.
Andrea: Miles?
Miles: I'd promise to take Em to the dance.
Andrea: Knuckson?
Knuckson: I'm taking Rouge to the dance.
Andrea: Silvester?
Silver: I'm taking either Blaze or Piper to the dance.
Andrea: (thinking) It's no use! (Fake innocence) Shade?
Shade: I'm doing the same thing. Silvester and I are gonna talk it out with the girls.
Andrea: Dark Pit, you're my last hope! Please!
Dark Pit: I promised to take Zarya to the dance. Sorry, Andrea, you're just gonna have to go alone.
Andrea: I'd rather not go than to go alone. You guys are all cowards! (Leaves in an angry huff)
Sonic: What in the world was THAT all about?
Dark Pit: Looks as if someone just can't let it go.
Shade: No comment. (The guys laugh)

Feeling rejected for like the ten thousandth time, Andrea sulkily seeked out for her friend, Taylor.

Andrea: (thinking) They're all just a bunch of cowards! Cowards, cowards, COWARDS!!! I better find Taylor and figure out how to expose their secrets and get my life back. There's Taylor! Maybe she can, like, help or whatever.

Taylor was looking in the mirror in her locker when she caught Andrea in the corner.

Taylor: Oh. (Turns around) Hey, Andrea. What's up?
Andrea: Just those loser freaks missing out on going on a date with, like, yours truly.
Taylor: And, what about Pit?
Andrea: Arkayna stole him from me, like always.
Taylor: Sorry, girl. Moving on, how in the world are we gonna expose them?
Andrea: Hmm...(gasps) Maybe, we should have some sort of, like, stakeout.
Taylor: We'll find out more about their secrets, and when the time is right, BOOM!
Andrea: Maybe we should, like, expose them during the dance.
Taylor: And the whole school will be there to watch! (Laughs) I love it!
Andrea: I love YOU, Tay!
Taylor: No, I love YOU, Andrea! (Both girls squeal in excitement)

Before you ask, no, Taylor and Andrea are not homosexual. They just say that because they are such good friends. (°>•<°) 👈My own emoticon.

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