It's A Trap!

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Meanwhile at Palutena's house, everyone else was hanging out watching TV. Well, sort of....

Palutena: Knuckles, get down there!
Rouge: What you're doing is very insulting.
Tails: Not to mention stupid!
Knuckles: C'mon guys, lighten up. All I wanted was to experience life on a different angle.
Blaze: I thought you meant that figuratively, as in a different perspective. Not on the ceiling!
Palutena: How did you ever get up here anyway?
Knuckles: Like you said, Lady Palutena. I'm a witch, or a wizard? Never mind, I can do stuff others can't.
Blaze: Yeah, like this. Need I remind you that the shapeshifters, vampires and cyborgs can do that too? (Toilet flushes)
Piper: (enters the room from the toilet) So, is he down yet?
Everyone: (in unison) Nope.
Knuckles: And you can't make me!
Piper: Oh yes, I can! (Clenches her fist) Revertius Stupidius Echidius.

Piper cast a spell on Knuckles, and that spell forced him to get down from the ceiling, over the wall and down on the floor.

Palutena: (sighs) Finally, it's over. (Looks at the ceiling) But someone is gonna have to clean it up.
Knuckles: Fine! Amy, you do it.
Amy: Nope!
Tails: Me neither!
Arkayna: I don't think so.
Piper: No way, bro.
Silver: Absolutely not!
Blaze: Even I can't help you out with that one.
Rouge: Learn to do it yourself, Knuckles.
Palutena: Here's the cleaning supplies. Now get to work!
Knuckles: Yes, Lady Palutena.

Before Knuckles could even start on cleaning the ceiling of his dirty shoe prints, multiple notification sounds came from everyone's phones.

Arkayna: (groans) Who's the Smart Alec that's sending us telemarketer junk?
Amy: It's not a telemarketer, princess. It's from Em.
Palutena: Strange, I got this message too. Normally it's just you guys.
Blaze: It's terrible! It's absolutely horrible! Meet us at the center of Lindgren Forest. Our motorcycles have exploded!
Tails: And Em just did the paint job on Shadow's last week.
Amy: Well, whoever decided to blow up two of our greatest assets can say hello to my hammer. Let's go! (Runs off)
Piper: Ames, wait up! (Amy stops running) Witches can teleport, hello.
Amy: Oh right. (Giggles nervously, then catches up to everyone)

Everyone stood in a circle holding hands, as Blaze, Knuckles and Piper was going to teleport them to the center of Lindgren Forest.

Knuckles: Find us the ones that seek our help.
Blaze: Find us the ones who we must assist.
Piper: Take us to the ones who call for us now.
Witches: (in unison) Teleportious Centernium de Fauna

As soon as the spell was cast, everyone was instantly teleported to the center of the forest.

Palutena: So this is Lindgren Forest, huh?
Arkayna: You've never been here before?
Palutena: Hey, it's hard being Pit's mentor, the Goddess of Light and an undercover history teacher, okay!
Arkayna: Alright, alright.
Tails: Amy, do you remember where the motor tracker is?
Amy: I think it's built on the left side of our faces.
Piper: I've known you for a long time and I still think it's creepy, to be honest.
Tails: Shut up. (Touches the left side of his face) Computer, track Shadow's Harley.

Tails' pupils went from normal to laser red as he activated the motor tracker.
Amy: How about a little extra help, Tails. (Touches the left side of her face) Computer, track Zarya's Harley.
Palutena: What?! Zarya owns a Harley too?
Piper: Yep. Turns out that she and Shadow have the same taste.
Rouge: And here I was thinking what she had in common with Knuckles. (Laughs, but stops all of a sudden) Uh, where did Tails and Amy go?
Piper: That way! (Points to the south east side)

Meanwhile, Shadow, Em and Dark Pit were zooming to where the explosion somewhat originated.
Em: Don't worry, baby! Momma's coming to fix you up.
Dark Pit: (sarcastically) Not to be rude, but your attachment to Shadow's motorcycle is quite frustrating.
Shadow: Ditto.

Also, Sonic and Zarya were carrying an unconscious Pit to the center of the forest too.
Zarya: C'mon, Sonic. Give it all you got. Put some muscle into it. You got this.
Sonic: It would be easier if I was carrying his legs. Pit is super heavy!
Zarya: No time to swop places! We have to go now.

After a while, everyone managed to meet at the center of the forest, just near the motorcycles.
Sonic: (gently drops Pit and pants) Thank goodness that we found you.
Palutena: (gasp) What happened to Pit?!
Zarya: He's been knocked out cold with this poison laced syringe. (Takes out said syringe)
Rouge: Paralytic poison. I knew my days as a spy would finally pay off.
Palutena: First of all, you were a spy. Second of all, we have to find the motorcycles.
Tails: Strange, my motor tracker says that the motorcycles are nearby.
Amy: So is mine. Has one of the circuits broken down somehow?
Em: Yes, I mean no. I don't know anymore!
Tails: (gasp) I've got something. Over there! Follow me.

Tails led the group to where he said he got something. Piper was kind enough to carry Pit using her telekinesis. Everyone stopped to where the signal originated, and found the motorcycles in inexplicably perfect condition.

Sonic: What the what?!
Em: The motorcycles are okay! Thank the stars!
Dark Pit: But we witnessed the explosion. We heard the bang, we saw the smoke.
Em: (tone turns more aggressive) Alright, who's the Smart Alec that's fooling us with fake explosions?!
????: Good question, Emerald.

Before anyone could attack or retreat, a forcefield surrounded everyone. Then out of nowhere, two cloaked strangers draped in red velvet silk appeared.
Knuckles: What the? Who are you?!
Stranger 1: Asks the echidna wizard.
Stranger 2: We are members of the Phenomena Eraser Society.
Stranger 1: We are responsible for creating a perfect world where unnatural phenomena don't exist. Phenomena like you.
Piper: Not on my watch! (Tries to teleport, but ends up back in the forcefield again) What?! That's impossible, how?
Stranger 1: We know that witches like you can teleport, which is why this is a special forcefield that'll keep you in.
Pit: (groans as he wakes up) Ugh, what happened? Huh, how'd we get here?
Stranger 2: Easy: we had to find the best distraction so we could lure you here. Once we brought you here, we can finally execute step 2 - to destroy you.
Tails: But even the most advanced of traps like yours has one disadvantage.
Amy: There's another way out! Start digging, everyone!

Before you know it, claws, fingers and magic shovels started vigorously digging the ground until in a few moments, everyone finally got out of the forcefield.
Dark Pit: Next time, build a trap that can hold us for more than 5 minutes.
Stranger 1: Forget this, we're out of here! (Runs off)
Stranger 2: Wait for me! (Runs after Stranger 1)
Palutena: So, that just happened.
Em: What matters is that we're all safe. Especially the Harleys.
Pit: Weird.
Everyone else: Very weird.

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