Fur, Claws and Fangs

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As the school day ended, Ms Pauline, Pit and Dark Pit went home. Since they know that Ms Pauline was actually Palutena in disguise, both angels were staying with her.

Inside, as the sun gives way to the evening, Pit was in his room watching a Mario vs Sonic rap battle roast video on the internet.

(What's happening on Pit's phone)
Mario: I can do many things that-a you can't do.
Sonic: Like what, plumber?
Mario: I saved-a people.
Sonic: Like who?
Mario: I saved-a two princesses.
Sonic: Yeah, way to cheat on Peach.
Mario: Leave Peach-a alone, you rat. Also, how's Elise?
Sonic: You're way past your prime, old man. I'm what's hot right now!
Mario: You're hot, alright. A hot-a mess-a! I'm what's happening now.
Sonic: Man, you're so old, you can't even come up with an original rhyme. I'm fifteen years old, loser, so go back to your own time.
Mario: You-a walking identity crisis, you don't-a know who you are. A werewolf, a knight, or what? Just get a life-a, sucka! 
Sonic: Don't get me wrong, I've made changes throughout my life, gone through many a form, but my adventures are airtight. All you did was jump barrels and drive cars, and my future friend says that you won't go that far. Me? I've saved the universe from exploding, changed the past and written the future, plus I have my own movie and I never looked cuter. There's just one more thing before I deliver my star KO. I'm the fastest thing alive, Mario. You're too slow! (Flings Mario into a Star KO)

Pit: Oh, Mario gets owned! (Somebody knocks on the door) Who is it?
Dark Pit: They're here.
Pit: Really? Who? (Drops his phone and runs out of the room.)

Pit and Dark Pit both approached the front door, opened it and saw  Sonic, Shadow, Zarya, Arkayna and Em waiting for them.
Zarya: Sup, boys.
Dark Pit: (eyes Zarya and Shadow's motorcycles and gives a half hearted smile) Nice motorcycles.
Shadow: Thanks, couldn't have had it any other way. Hm.
Pit: So, what's happening right now.
Arkayna: You're coming with us. (Grabs Pit's arm and drags him out)
Pit: Are you sure Lady Palutena won't get mad? (Everyone facepalms) I'm kidding, guys. Lady Palutena knows already. (Laughs)
Dark Pit: (sarcastically) Yeah, real funny. Can we just get moving already?
Zarya: Sure. (Gets on her motorcycle, fires the engine) Hop on, Pit.
Pit: Oh, coming. (Climbs on the back) But, what about Sonic.
Sonic: Don't worry about me. You  know who I am. I'll be fine.
Shadow: You better enjoy being the fastest while it lasts.
Sonic: Whatever, faker. I know the place, let's go! (Runs off in a cloud of dust)
Pit: (mumbling to himself) Sonic Adventure 2 happened for a reason, and I love it.
Palutena: (in the distance) Wait, boys. (Pit and Dark Pit approach her) Before you leave, be careful out there.
Pit: I'll be careful, Lady Palutena. I promise.
Dark Pit: I guess I promise to stay safe too, Lady Palutena.
Palutena: Thank you, boys. Now, have fun.

Without a second to think, Pit hopped back on Zarya's motorcycle, Dark Pit and Em climbed on Shadow's motorcycle, Shadow was activating his hover shoes and Arkayna turned into an eagle, and off all of them went to where Pit and Dark Pit are going to train; Lindgren Forest.


The air was surprisingly warm as everyone was going through the forest. Pit was holding on to dear life as Zarya increased the speed of her motorcycle. Arkayna, in her eagle form, was swooping through the skies, performing loop-da-loops as she did. Em and Shadow caught Sonic in the distance and increased their speeds. Everyone was practically zooming to the center of the forest as late evening gave way to early night.

(Everyone meets up)
Pit: So, what's gonna happen next? (Gets off the motorcycle)
Zarya: (gets off the motorcycle too) Duh, Pit, Sonic and I will teach you how to control your werewolf abilities whilst Shadow and Em will teach Dark Pit how to control his vampire abilities.
Pit: Okay, but what about Arkayna?
Arkayna: Nah, I just chaperoned. I don't really have any connection with this whatsoever. (Begins running home) But if anything happens, I'm always a text away. See ya. (Runs home)
Zarya: Bye, sis.
Sonic: Everyone clear on the plan? (Everyone nods in agreement) We'll meet back here when training is over.

The two groups then dispersed themselves. The wolf pack took to the east side of the forest while the vampires took to the west.


Sonic, Zarya and Pit headed to Midnight's Peak, the start of Pit's journey to becoming a true werewolf. The three stopped at the peak, and briefly took in the impressive vista.
Pit: Wow, this place is amazing.
Zarya: Wanna know why it's called Midnight's Peak?
Pit: Why?
Sonic: This, she always says, is the place where true werewolves are made.
Zarya: Really, Sonic. No time, we have to transform.
Pit: As in right now?

Before Zarya could even answer, the transformation had begun. Clothes were ripped, fur was growing, parts manifested, claws and fangs were showing. The transformation was complete, and the trio were a little bit dizzy. Sonic and Zarya took one look at their student and found a hazelnut brown werewolf angel in his place.

Zarya: Oh my... Looking good, Pit.
Pit: Really, because...
Sonic: What others see as monstrous, we see as awesome.
Pit: Speak for yourself, Sonic. Your muscles are HUGE!
Sonic: (looks at his arms) Yeah, I guess they are. (Flexes his biceps, Zarya laughs)
Pit: So, what shall we do first?
Zarya: First things first, being a werewolf means that you're free! You're not bound by the chains of society, and you can do whatever you want.
Pit: Really? Or, are you just saying that to make me feel better?
Sonic: She means what she says, dude. Just roll with it.
Zarya: (rolls her eyes) Next on the agenda; dominance. A wolf has to assert their dominance at all times. One way to do so is to bring out you inner animal.
Pit: What?
Sonic: (sarcastically) And how are we going to do do this?
Zarya: Sonic, please don't with the sarcasm. (Clears throat) Pit, this is commonly known as howling at the moon.
Sonic: And, might I add, Zarya's an expert at it. (Zarya groans)
Pit: May you please demonstrate this dominance assertion.
Zarya: Sure. (Howls)
Sonic: See what I mean?
Zarya: Well, Mr Hot Shot, if you think I'm so great, than why don't you give it a go.
Sonic: Why not? (Howls) See, I'm a noob compared to you.
Pit: Alright, enough! We're trying to help me get in control, not have a massive contest.
Zarya: Right, sorry about that. Sometimes, competitiveness is natural amongst wolves. (Pit sighs) Anywho, let's see what you got, Pit.
Pit: Alright. Let's do this! (Clears throat, then howls)
Sonic: Oh my...
Zarya: Look who's the flabbergasted one now. Nice job, Pit.
Pit: Thanks. Now what.
Zarya: Every individual is equiped with his or her own arsenal to aid them in their hunt. We are fortunate enough to be gifted with speed, strength, stealth, and enhanced senses, and tools such as claws and fangs. We shall demonstrate this with a simple hunt.
Pit: And what kind of hunting are we talking about, Z?
Zarya: (in a gruff, animal-like voice) Meat! (Starts running on all fours)
Sonic and Pit: (in unison) Zarya, wait up!

Pit and Sonic caught up with Zarya on all fours too. The werewolf pack was on a hunt. Zarya was leading the pack, running as fast as she can, with Sonic and Pit not that far behind. Pit was starting to struggle running the way he used to, so that's why he continued the chase on all fours. The three of them stopped by a lake surrounded by bushes. By the lake was a fully grown male antelope; it's horns resemble the branches of trees, it's brown fur was of a dark oak colour. It was taking a sip of water from the crystal clear lake, but it didn't realize that it was prey.

Pit: (whispering) Now what?
Zarya: (whispering) Just follow me and do what I do.

Zarya slowly crept through the bushes, on the way to the pack's late night feast. Sonic and Pit silently caught up with the werewolf princess and anticipated what will happen next. They are ready to pounce, and at the right moment, the pack pounced on the poor antelope. Each one of them was tasked with holding him in place, tearing his flesh and leaving him for dead. After a while, the pack finished the job, leaving a dead antelope covered in blood lying on the ground.

Zarya: (pants) That was truly unforgettable.
Pit: Did we just kill an animal?
Sonic: Did we ever! That was partially gruesome, but somewhat awesome!
Pit: I guess it did feel good, considering how much pressure school has been on me.
Zarya: Pit, I'm very proud to say that you are a true werewolf now.
Pit: Really, thanks. Let's celebrate! (Starts eating the antelope)
Zarya: Atta boy! (Starts eating too)
Sonic: A true werewolf indeed. (Sighs, then starts eating too)

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