Spreading Rumors

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The vampires and werewolves continued training at Lindgren Forest despite their encounter with the Phenomina Erasers. It had been two and a half weeks when the news of the Cherish High School dance went out.

At school, the paranormal students have been getting heat by other students for little mishaps.
Ms. Pauline: Okay, class. Could anybody name the photographer who took the picture of Hector Peterson?
George: No need to ask us, ma'am. I've heard that Amy and Miles are robots, so they can answer that question for us. (Left side of the class laughs)
Ms. Pauline: Settle down, everyone. I'm sure that Amy and Miles are not robots.
(Miles and Amy sigh)
Antonio: Okay then. If Miles and Amy are not robots, then why did Pit eat his lunch super aggressively?
Pit: What?!
Antonio: For real. You, Sonic and Zarya ate your lunch like a bunch of animals. This leads to one conclusion; you are werewolves! (Class gasps)
Sonic: What are you talking about. We're not werewolves. Who says we are?
Taylor: The awesome side of the class says so, dude. Come to think of it, Shade, Emerald and Dark Pit look more pale than usual.
George: It's either they aren't eating that much, or they're VAMPIRES!
Taylor: (dramatic gasp) No, not vampires! Please don't suck my blood!
Dark Pit: You've GOT to be joking! There's no valid proof that these assumptions are correct.
Ms. Pauline: Please, class...
Taylor: We're not done yet. Did you know that Knuckson, Blaze and Piper are witches.
Knuckson: And what assumption do you have about us?
George: Um, you can move things with your mind.
Blaze: Blasphemy! We cannot move things with our minds.
Taylor: Maybe, but I'm sure on one thing. Arkayna, Silvester and Rouge are shapeshifters.
Arkayna and Rouge: (in unison) What?!
Silvester: Oh yeah, prove it.
George: One minute, you three are normal. The next, you three are anthropomorphic freaks that can fly!
Ms. Pauline: (angry) Enough! You've wasted the entire period talking about things that don't exist! I'll see this side of the class on the quad for break detention! (Left side of the class mumbles) I'm sorry, guys. I thought we'd learn about South African history, but I guess not.
Pit: And it's all their fault. (School bell rings in the distance)
Ms. Pauline: Left side of the class, meet me in the quad for detention. Right side of the class, stay here.

The left side of the class left for detention, mumbling in frustration as they did. Meanwhile, Ms. Pauline and the paranormal students stayed behind.
Arkayna: (panic stricken) Oh my goodness, oh my goodness. They know about us!
Ms. Pauline: Breathe, Arkayna. Whatever you do, just breathe.
Dark Pit: Do you think that the Phenomena Erasers told everyone.
Miles: No way. My database says that the Phenomena Erasers are a secret society. Of course they'd never expose OUR secrets to a bunch of inexperienced kids.
Piper: Then maybe there's a mole in their so-called society.
Ms. Pauline: Maybe, but let's not forget to hide these personas until we can safely reveal them.
Pit: You know what? I've had enough. I'm tired of the constant teasing from normal kids. Just because we're different...
Zarya: Calm down, Pit. I get it, I'm sick and tired of being treated like garbage.
Amy: So am I.
Rouge: Me too!
Miles: Here here!
Pit: I have an idea! How about we show these people how right they are.
Dark Pit: If you mean reveal our secret personas, then I'm in.
Amy: I'm in too.
Arkayna: So am I.
Miles: I'm with you.
Blaze: As am I.
Shade: So will I.
Sonic: You can count on me!
Zarya: We're all in!
Pit: Ms Pauline, or should I say Lady Palutena? What do you say?
Ms Pauline: I say yes! Let's do it. We'll do it during the dance! (Everyone is cheering) Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a class to discipline for almost blowing our identities a bit too early.

After the brutal punishment the normal side endured during recess, the class went to Arts class with Mr Levinson; a man in his late thirties with brunette hair the colour identical to Pit's hair, hazel eyes, a carefree semi-formal outfit and a passion for art.
Mr Levinson: Class, today we shall sketch a natural landscape.
Piper: Ooh, how exciting. Will it be for marks?
Mr Levinson: (chuckles) No, Piper. This is a chance for you to truly express yourself in art.
Pit: Can we draw anything we want?
Mr Levinson: Anything you want, Pit. Be creative, have fun. There's no limit when it comes to art.
Pit: Alright, but just know I'm not the best artist. (Dark Pit rolls his eyes)
Arkayna: (chuckles) Um, what's the eye roll for?
Dark Pit: Have you seen all of his drawings.
Pit: Pittoo, not the drawings.
Mr Levinson: What drawings, Pit?
Dark Pit: He's drawn many pictures of many people and various landscapes. He even did this one portrait of the Goddess of Light.
Pit: Okay fine. I love to draw, but can't a guy keep it to himself every once in a while?
George: Yeah, because drawing is mostly for girls.
Mr Levinson: Excuse you, sir? Michaelangelo, Da Vinci, Di Caprio. Were they all girls?
George: N-no, sir.
Mr Levinson: You're in really hot water, sir, so watch your words.
George: Yes, sir.
Mr Levinson: Alright, let's get creating!

After what felt like forever, but it was only an hour, the class had their artworks looked at by Mr Levinson.
Mr Levinson: Stunning performance, Amy. Undeniable, Miles. Incredible work, Arkayna. (Gasp) Did Leonardo Da Vinci come back from the dead? (Class gazes in wonder) That is the best artwork I've seen! Bravo, Pit! (Starts clapping)
Arkayna: It's beautiful. And is that...is that a few of us over there?
Pit: It is. That's me, you and Dark Pit.
Dark Pit: See what I mean. He's the incarnation of Da Vinci himself.
Taylor: I'll give credit where credit is due, that natural landscape is breathtaking.
Antonio: Yeah, man. You's a natural born artist.
George: Are you considering having a gallery dedicated to you?
Pit: Wow, that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me. And as for the gallery, I don't think I'm planning on going there anytime soon. I'll think about it.
Mr Levinson: This artwork can sell for a lot of money if you think about it. Are you sure you won't reconsider? I mean, I'm not being mean here, but...
Pit: Mr Levinson, calm down. I'm a bit of an adventure seeker, and art is more of a hobby to me. But, who knows, maybe it'll take me to new places my adventurous soul couldn't.
Mr Levinson: Spoken like a true Shakespearean actor. You've got moxy, kid. I appreciate that.
Arkayna: Me too. (Kisses Pit on the cheek)
Class: Aww! (Taylor, Amy and Piper giggle)

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