11. The Fourth Princess

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The photo I used as the chapter cover is the Second Princess, Wang Hexiao (3 years old).
The photo I used it's not mine, credit to the rightful owner.


The moon was shining under the deep blue sky, It was currently midnight and the Imperial Palace was busy, Consort Hua was giving birth, even if she was only at eight months, a premature birth. Servant were running left and right to bring more towels and water to help the screaming Consort. Meanwhile, in the side hall of Consort Hua Palace, the Emperor and the Imperial Noble Consort were sitting at their newly-provided thrones waiting for the baby to finally born.
The Imperial Consort was at Consort Hua's Palace for almost three hours now, it all happened when, during a walk at the Palace of Earthly Honor with all the concubines of His Majesty, suddenly the pregnant Consort tripped over a big stone in the garden; this provoked the early labour of Consort Hua.

In the main all of the Consort's Palace, the three best doctors of the Imperial Palace were attending the screaming concubine, while kneeling on the floor facing a traditional Japanese Byobu Screens, preventing them from seeing the concubine, while giving instructions to the maids that were helping the Consort to give birth.

"Please push more NiangNiang! I can see the head!", the doctors were smiling hearing that, even if it was a long delivery, it seems their instructions weren't useless.

"Excellent NiangNiang! Please push more! After the head comes out, it will be a matter of second for the little junwang (t/n. prince of second rank) to be born!"

While the screaming Consort was giving all of her strength to let the baby born, in the side hall, the little sixth years old Princess just joined her Royal Father and Imperial Noble Consort in the waiting for her mother's birth.

"Royal Father, when is mother going to give birth? I want a little brother!" the little Second Princess was whining at her father's leg, she was a little spoiled by her mother, the Emperor knew that, but she loved her like all of his children, even if their mothers where poisoning each other, he didn't give the blame to his children.

"Xiao'Er, the doctor just said that your little brother will be born soon, just wait a little longer– the Emperor then stroke gently his daughter's head, – your mother is working hard now, be mindful and sit composed like a true Gōngzhǔ."

"Yes, Royal Father." then the little princess did like her father said. Just after she started to taste the tea her servants provided, she heard a baby crying. The Emperor and the Consort immediately stand up and while a servant, along with the three doctors and a nanny, entered the side hall with a little baby in her arms. All of them bowed to the Emperor and the servant with the baby, spoke, " Your Majesty, Consort Hua gave birth to the Fourth Princess! Congratulations to Your Majesty! – then all the servants bowed to the Emperor, – May the Emperor and the Fourth Princess live hundreds years!"

Even if it wasn't a Junwang, The Emperor smiled while bringing to his arms his daughter. "The Fourth Princess was born in an auspicious day! Thus we will name her Wang HuiSheng!"


Meanwhile, the fifth month pregnant Jiao Wei was sitting in her private garden in the main hall of her palace, admiring the shining moon in this night, still trying to elaborate the events of this afternoon. She toke the almost finished embroidery, a moon and a sun, two symbols of life and harmony, and suddenly a maid came hurrying from the side hall, "NiangNiang! I came with news! – she was running, while trying to remain composed, Jiao Wei thought she was quite cute, – Consort Hua gave birth!"

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