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A/N: Hey, thanks for choosing to read my book. It's actually my second one, if you'd like to read my first, you can always look up, 'Plants and highschool. ' Pls vote and comment.

Somewhere in one of miami's beaches, teenagers of ages ranging from 15 to 17 were having the weekend of their lives in the birthday party of one of the hottest guys in western high.

"Is that Mia? Oh my god, she looks so hot in a bikini and how is her skin so flawless, I wish I had her body. " said a girl in the corner.

"Damn is that Mia? Hey guys, look at this, look at this. " said Brian, one of the popular guys.


That girl that everybody is talking about, that girl that everybody wants to be, basically me in my everyday life, I have to be hottest girls in school, I mean, I'm the hot bitch in charge (HBIC).


That's my best friend who barely even knows me, she's just around me to take pictures all day and be with boys, all she wants is the popularity, she doesn't even know what I like and what I don't? She's basically just my side kick but she doesn't see it or should I say my side bitch, she's so annoying but rule number 1 of being a HBIC is, always having a fellow BFIC( best friend in charge).

"Hey best..." I try to say.

"All the guys are looking at you, you are so popular... I wish I was with you." she said almost breathless.

"Doesn't everyone. " I brag.

"So, where do you think we should sit?" She asks.

"Maybe over there. " I said, it seemed to be quiet and drama free over there.

"But there are no guys there." She says and I felt so mad.

Rule number two always seek attention especially from boys when possible.

"Oh no... did I say sit over there? I meant over here. " I reply.

"Oh good, I thought I lost You. " she said.

Lose Me Like You Never had me, I roll my eyes, she only has the idea of me that gives her boys.

"So, what are you going to do about all the boys staring at you right now?" Do I have to do anything? She asked.

"Nothing. " I replied.

"Oh no, no, no, no, no, you're going to get up and and you're going to flaunt that body around, especially to the girls who think they are even close to being as hot as you are... and I saw Amelia making googly eyes with James btw. " Kim said.

Rule number three, always have the hottest guy in school and if anyone tries to steal him, mark your territory.

"But he isn't even looking at her, I think she's the only one giving him googly eyes. " honestly I was exhausted, I had to keep up with all this boy drama for the whole week!

"Mia, get over there. "

The interesting fact about all of this is that, I have absolutely no interest in James, whatsoever, he is just a dork and a very big jerk, who only cares about himself, I've gone on several dates with him and most of them ended with me getting angry and going home because he was so obsessed with how handsome he looked in the mirror, others were about him hitting on a girl, maybe waitress or just a simple hot girl passing, as if I wasn't hot enough, he just wanted every girl on his feet but I wasn't going to be one of them but being a HBIC has its own plans for you sometimes, you know.

Truth was... he was giving googly eyes to Amelia but the last thing I wanted to do is go confront him, when I know he will either lie or just act nonchalant about it but as I said earlier rule number 3 states that you always have to mark your territory, whether is actually being threatened or not.

So I stood up and went over to James , he was talking with the guys, so I sat by his side wondering what to do.

"Hey babe. " he said before kissing me, he was a terrible kisser, it was like he almost didn't even know what to do with his tongue but still girls always fell head over heels for his appearance, they never really cared how he's moving his tongue in their mouths, I know that James is cheating on me with every girl he meets but the last thing I want to do, is care and the second to last thing I want to do, is go around being insecure and getting all jealous and angry about a boy I don't even like.

"Hey." I said before moving the hair on my face to the back of my ear as if I was shy but I certainly wasn't.

Rule number four act girly and vulnerable in every situation. Because boys find that attractive for some reason.

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