The next day, I had to go to school since I knew I could no longer bribe mum into letting me stay.

"You guys ready?" Asked dad.

"Yep." Micah said.

"Arghhhhh." I grunt.

"You know, you can't stay home again." My mum said before walking past us.

"I know. " I said.

"Good, get in the car." Dad said.

"Ok. Let me get my hoodie." I said.

I get my hoodie and enter the car. When I get to school, no one is staring, and that's a good sign.

I successfully got to my locker without anyone noticing my presence but then Kim sees me.

"Hey." She starts.


"Why weren't you at school yesterday? You had me worried. " she said.

"Really? " I said.

"Yeah, really. What do you mean? " she asked.

"Nevermind. " I said, I didn't want to get into this then.

"No, I want to know. " she said.

"Just let it slide. Ok? "

"And what if I don't want to? " she says folding her arms.

"So what you are going to force it out of me?"

She doesn't answer at first.

"I just feel you haven't been yourself, lately. "

"And what exactly is myself?... " I said.

The bell rings interrupting me.

"Like I said just... let it slide." I said.

We head to history class, since we had the same one, without saying another word.

History class was a little interesting, he talked about a somethings I already knew and found interest in, and others that were simply boring but I liked the class, most likely because he would use the stories in our history book and relate them to his present life, making it not only relatable but interesting.

And then came the paper ball, hitting me right in the head, wasn't quite painful but I was shocked, which made it easier for the teacher to spot both me and the paper ball.

"Who threw that? " he asks.

"I said who threw that?" He asked again.

"Me." Said James.

"Good, so now would you like to read it to the class?" Mr. Wilson asked.

"No not really. " James said.

"Sorry, that came as a question ." Mr. Wilson said.

He goes to get the paper from my chair and he whispers to me.

"Am sorry. " he said.

And I know it was a plain apology, and he didn't actually admit to anything, or say directly what he is sorry for, but that was the first time I have ever heard him say it and in a way I feel it was a really big deal for him.

He goes back to his seat to read it there.

"Come to the front of the class, Harrison. "

He reluctantly goes to the front of the class, keeping every shred of swag in each of his steps, as if he was doing the right thing. He then looks at the teacher as if asking if the punishment wasn't enough.

HBIC rules. Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora