"I can't believe him, right now." I say furious.

"Did you? " she asked.

That is the most stupid question I have been asked in my whole fucked up life, like what the fuck...

"Of course not! How big could it possibly be for me to do that?! He should hear himself for once!" I scold.

"Okay, okay calm down. "

"Argh." I say and bang my locker door the whole school looking at me, as Kim and I head to maths class.

"What are you looking at? And I can't believe you wore that to school! Get out of my way, nerd!" I yelled, pushing nerdy girl out of the way. Rude. I know.

Rule number 6: always pour out our anger on losers or tease them when bored.

I walked in and sat down at my usual spot, I could feel every popular kid's gazes on me. And I decide to just stay quiet.

"Miss Garcia." Mrs. Davies called.

Really? I really wish I brought a hoodie.

"Yes ma'am ." I answer as I stand up.

"What is the formula for volume of a cone?" She asked.

⅓ pie radius square height.

"I don't know, ma'am. " I answered.

Maths was my favourite subject, I was one of those people who were good with numbers but if anyone knew I would be known as another nerd and I didn't want that, neither did I want to do bad in school so I devised a simple plan; anytime I was asked a question in class, I would say I didn't know the answer to it, and when we are given tests, I put my all into it, since my results won't be posted anywhere and would only be sent to my parents digitally or sometimes given to me in a small piece of paper, and it wasn't like anybody ever searched my bag.

"Are you sure? " Mrs. Davies asked, she has always been on my neck, I didn't blame her though, it was weird for a person to not be able to answer simple questions but can get 99 percent on an exam without cheating but sometimes she could be really annoying like right now.

"Yes am sure!" I yell by accident getting even more attention on me.

"Miss Garcia, it is very rude for you to raise your voice on a teacher."

I don't say anything I just sit.

She doesn't say anything to me till the bell rings.

"Miss Garcia, please stay behind for a little." She requested.


I get my things and go to her table.

"Miss Garcia, I don't understand why you do so good in your tests and exams but never answer a simple class question, correctly. "

Argh! Now I have to think of an excuse.

"I get scared when I have to talk in front of people."

"So... stage fright."


"Well okay, I just thought there was more to it."

"Oh... no not at all."

"Ok then, that's all. "

"Thanks." I say and leave.

After the classes we had before cafeteria, it was finally time for me to eat my anger away.

"Enough? " asked the lunch lady.


"Bad day?" She asked.

"Very." I said and she adds two more scoops to my mashed potatoes.

"Thanks." I say.

I go to my table, where everyone else eats, James was there but I couldn't care less, some of them stared at my large meal, I, on the other hand, dug in.

The table was quiet enough. After everyone had finished eating, people who wanted to ask James about what he was saying to everyone, were scared of me and people who wanted to talk about something different, were scared they would be the centre of attention.

Fuck it.

"I want a break up. " I said.

"What? " said James out of shock.

"I... want... a... break... up." I say word by word, so it can get in his skull.

"No, you don't. " he says as if saying I was just kidding.

"Yes I do, why would I want to be with you after all the bullcrap you have been telling everyone?"

"Like I lied." Argh I could just... argh.

"Um... you did, big time!" I yell.

"Yeah, right."

"You did! And you know it!" I said standing up. I held a fist and hit the table before I leave. "Kim you coming? "

She doesn't answer.

"Kim?" I call.

"Umm... kinda busy with someone. " I suppose with Alex.

"You're ditching me for Alex? "

"Sorry, Mia..."she started.

"Save it. " I interrupt.

What table? What table? What table?

"Hi, weirdos get up. " i say.

"No." A nerdy girl said to me, I could tell she was just trying to act brave.

"Did you just talk back at me?"

"No..." that's what I thought.

"That's more like it. " I said.

Now, am sitting on a table all alone, without my so called best friend, all because of James's stupid lies, I wish I could.... Argh!

And just then, I see him the stupid nerd like he is the nerdiest of them all ( if there is a word like that).

I see him come over to this table and my subconscious starts.

Don't tell him to leave, a little company wouldn't kill you.

"Yes it would. " I answer to myself.

"Hey..." he said.

"Don't. " I say before he can bore me with his chit-chat.

A/N: Pls vote and comment.

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