I went back got dressed, in my white crop top and blue jeans with white sneakers, hung my little white bag on my shoulder.

I walked over to James, the mood was already gone after the fight, so some people had left and some were already starting to leave.

"Still won't take my offer to come over? It will be fun, I promise." I roll my eyes in an unnoticeable manner.

He asked in the presence of everyone, saying no now will either be rude or suspicious, and as I said earlier, I don't want anyone to find out that am a virgin or call me a prude and saying  no right now could lead to that.

"Fine." I say and get on his motorcycle and we move, I don't hug him like a normal girlfriend (since am not normal).

"Something wrong?!" he yells over the sound of the wind blowing in our faces.

"No. Why?!" I ask.

"Well, you are not hugging me!" He says

"Do I have to?!" I whisper.

"Huh?!" He asked.

"I said oh!"

I leaned in and hugged him, feeling awkward inside.

"That's better. " he says.

"Yeah..." I drag the yeah.

We continue to ride in silence, till we get to house.

When we get there he opens the door and the house is dark and quiet so I guessed no one was home.

"Where is everyone? " I asked.

"At home." He answered.

"At home? If they are at home, where are we?"

"One of my dad's our houses or should I say my house. " he replies.

James was also rich, by now you would have been thinking he is perfect apart from the cheating part.

He isn't.

My family was richer than his but we aren't the bragging type, we are more old schooled and I like it that way. We own two houses though, one in the Bahamas and one here, mum owns two cars, dad owns one. I am going to get one of mum's, once I get my driver's license and I couldn't wait, I hated getting a lift from James everyday.

"Nice house. " I say.

"Thanks. Wanna watch a movie?" He asks.

"Yeah." I reply.

"What do you want to watch? " he asked.

We both say ideas at the same time.

"The perks of being a wallflower. " I say.
"Final score. " he says.

I find it very rude that he did that, considering he asked me what I wanted to watch but says what he wants anyway? And besides, final score was an action movie and yes, I was one of those girls that hated action movies, to be fair I liked certain ones but right now I was in the mood for a normal teen movie.

"Final score, it is." I say part of me thinking he will be a gentleman and offer to watch the program I suggested. He doesn't.

I sit on the couch, he goes to get popcorn and then he sits close to me, he cuddles close and about just five minutes into the film, when Dave Bautista requested that the cab driver changed the radio station, James started to move his hand under my top and I flinched a little out of shock.

"Hey, calm down, am going to be slow." He says with a smirk.

If he thinks he is going to fuck me, he is highly mistaken.

"Slow with what?" I ask.

"Fucking you." He says still with that stupid smirk.

"And what makes you think I want to have sex with you? "

He moves my hair behind my ear and whispers "I can tell." and I move away.

"What's the matter?" He asks.

"Am not one of those girls, you just go around playing with their feelings and ticking their name in your book, showing you have successfully 'been in that pussy'...." I say making air quotes with my fingers as I stand up, making emphasis on the 'been in that pussy'.

"And then after everything you just stop texting, stop calling them and start acting like you guys never knew each other."I finish.

He stands up too.

"So? What do you expect? I fall in love..." he says and laughs. "Or what? I propose or wait we start planning a future together..." he continues to laugh. "With children? Oh come on Mia you can't be that naive... life is not all fairytales and princesses... " he says and I think he stops and realizes that if he continues like this, he may not get what he had planned.

"But when am with you..." he comes closer to me. "I sometimes feel like..." he moves my hair to the back of my ear. "I feel like there is nothing else I could want... I mean look at you." He says and tries to kiss me.

But I pull away.

"Am not stupid, James!" I yell probably not supposed to but I do anyway. He moves back a bit.

"You think, I dont know that you cheat on me with every girl you meet?! That you hit on every girl that walks past you?!...." I pause. "Am not that naive, not in the least. " I finish and get my bag to leave.

I hit the door hard and I hear him yell...

"Fuck!" As I leave.

I stopped a cab and got in, luckily I know my address from any route and I have enough money on me to pay.

"Fremont. " I say and the cab starts to move.

When I get home my dad is sleeping and my mum is in the sitting room watching television.

"Where were you?! " she said holding her waist, I could tell she wanted to cut my head off but I wasn't in the mood for her silly quarrels.

"James'." I nonchalantly say and head to my room.

"Where are you going, young lady? " she asked.

"Where does it look like am going? " I say and shut my door in her face.

"I can't believe you just did that! You are grounded for a week!"

"What's new?!" I say back and look at my phone. One message from Kim.

*I hate Josh so much, he basically paralyzed Alex's face!*


Good night, mia.

A/N: Hope you are enjoying the story so far pls vote and comment, thanks ;)

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