The next day, I didn't want to get out of bed, I just wanted to sleep the whole day away.

"Honey you have to get up for school!" My mum yelled.

"I don't feel so good. " she entered my room, cause it was obviously open, to make my lie more believable, she sat on my bed and checked my temperature.

"Really? " she asked.

I don't really know how to pretend to be ill apart from the coughing and staying under the really hot sheets, I was terrible at it.

"Yeah... you buying it? " I said.

"Well until you said that. "

"Oh c'mon. " I said

"So how about this, I let you off the hook today... and you wash the dishes, mop the house, do the laundry, clean your room and force your brother to finally, finally clean his room, when he gets back from school and you can stay home and enjoy yourself. " she says that last part sarcastically because doing all does things in one day isn't enjoying myself.

However, this was how my mum got me to say I will go to school, whenever I said I didn't want to, but today...

"Deal."  I say.

"Great, enjoy." She says and leaves with Micah.

I do everything mum says I should, and by 1PM am done. I decided to go outside to get some fresh air, so I just go out and sit on the porch.

I looked over at the house opposite ours and I start to remember some silly moments, funny ones, sad ones and all of it got me laughing, the main memory on my mind now was mine and Jaxon's, we were best friends though he was in my sister's grade, we had a kind of unbreakable bond; at least we thought it was unbreakable.

Jaxon and I were really close in middle school that is, in school we would spend every moment we could together, we were inseparable basically, we were so close we could finish each other's sentences.

Until I went to a different school, because dad said the quality of education was going down the drain in that middle school but their highschool records was good enough for my sister to stay, so I left, even after leaving I didn't intend on making new friends and forgetting about Jaxon but with we grew apart, slowly, but eventually we both knew that our class difference would separate us, whether we wanted to or not.

Before we discovered this, we still tried to keep our friendship but after I stopped wearing our sweaters, shirts that would indicate that the person by my left was my best friend, changing my personality, because I didn't want to be treated the same way nerds were treated in my school, because for some reason it kind of scared me, he also started to change since he and my sister started to get close, I mean how could they not, he was always around, in school, at home, everywhere.

Did it bother me at the time? No, actually, I sometimes fantasised about us being the three musketeers, funny I know. Yet, after sometime it did.

One Saturday night, about a year ago, I was getting ready to see a movie with Jaxon, Me, it was a horror movie that we had planned to watch after seeing the trailers.

I had my bath, got dressed in a red blouse and black shirt, with a black knee high lace up boots, packed some part of my hair making two ponytails and then I let two locks of my hair, fall on my face.

I was kind of excited because I was kind of busy that week and I didn't have any spare time to just have a talk with my own best friend.

When I got downstairs, I was happy to see he was already dressed in his usual denim jacket and white inner shirt.

"You ready? "I said

"For?" He asked.

"Hey you ready? " Margaret said.

"Yeah." He answered.

"For? " I asked.

"Oh um... Jaxon and I want to go watch, rules." Margaret answered.

"You mean like a date?" I asked.

"Nah.. we are just going out to watch an interesting movie, wait have you seen the trailer? " Margaret said.

"Oh no I was too busy watching the 'me' trailer. " I said trying to remind Jaxon.

"Oh, shit... am so sorry Mia I forgot. " he said.

"It's nothing we can just go another time." I said.

"What's wrong? " Margaret asked.

"Nothing really. " I said.

"No seriously I want to know." She said.

"Well... Jaxon and I planned to see, me, tonight. " I said.

"Oh..." she said.

"But it's no biggie we can just watch it another time." I said.

"Oh... thanks for understanding,Mia. " Margaret said.

"Sure have a nice night. " I said

"We will." Margaret said before getting her purse and leaving with Jaxon.

I had nothing to do. so I just went to bed, which was better than overthinking, what had just happened.

When Margaret came back, she rushed up to my room, really excited and woke me up.

"Mia, you wont believe what happened. " she said.

"Try me. " I said in excitement.

"Jaxon asked me out. " she said.


"And I said yes." She said.

"Am so happy for you. " I wasn't.

Well... a part of me was. The other part wanted my best friend all to myself, selfish of me of course, but we keep spending less and less time together and now to make matters worse, he has a girlfriend.

A/N: Pls vote and comment

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