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"Hey! Everyone listen up!" He says and the whole hall goes quiet.

"All the resent rumours you all have been hearing about Mia, is a lie that I made up to get back at her, over a little arguement we had." He continues.

"In complete honesty, Mia is an amazing person, and the only jerk here is me, I shouldn't have lied or started that stupid rumour and in the presence of everyone, I apologise for it, again..." he says and get off the table, he holds my left hand.

"And I will continue to apologise, until you forgive me. " he finishes.

I really want to forgive him.

But... you can't,  forget the cheating... oh the cheating.

My subconscious reminds me, before I could possibly start to daydream.


"So what? " I ask.

"Do you forgive me? "

"Am afraid it's going to take more than that." I say, which is cold because this is the second time he is apologising but what he did was colder so he deserves it.

"So, how about we start over and forget the previous things?" He asked.

"That isn't as easy as it seems and you should know that, you cheated, constantly. " I said.

"Because you never wanted to do anything with me and they did. " he defends.

"So, it's my fault?" So he wants to pin this on me? Oh, how nice.

"No, that's not my point. I was wrong and I admit it and am sorry, all I ask for is for a second chance, please Mia." He said and he looks honest, for a change.

"Let me think about it. " I said.

"Ok, but if you don't give me a second chance, please could you give me a chance to show that I have changed?" He asks again.

"Will think about it. "

"Ok, then." He gives me a little peck and going to his side of our table, where we both eat silently.

After school, I go to the parking lot, I see Micah talking to the girl he obviously likes, because he scratches his head, has his normal nervous smile and of course, the right hand in his pocket and honestly, this couldn't be more funny.

After what seems to be like forever, she gives him a little peck and she leaves, he heads over to me.

"Awww..." I start.

"Don't. " he says.

"Ok." I say and laugh while he gives me the sneak eye.

"Since you want to tease me, how about we talk about James. "

"What about James? " I ask.

"I heard about his big apology." How does he know this things.

"How did you...?"

"Word gets around. " he interrupted.

"Whatever we aren't dating. " I said, I think he is the only one that doesn't know.

"Really?" He asked, his voice sounding both shocked and disappointed. For some reason, he really likes James.


"Why?" He shouldn't ask me that I don't pry in his life he doesn't pry in mine.


"Okay, okay, I wont pry but I would still like a ride in his car, someday. "

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2021 ⏰

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