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James had black hair, hazel eyes and a perfectly tanned skin, too bad I don't fall for looks, I actually care about who the person is, whether he makes me popular or not.

"Damn. You look hot today. " James said.

So, I don't look hot every other day?

"Thanks." I say, by now you should know there is a difference between what I think and what I say.

"Wanna go to my house later?" He asked.

So, I know he just wants me to go so we can you know... have sex, and honestly we have never had sex, that's probably why he is always cheating on me but I don't care. Am not saying am a prude because am obviously still a virgin but I want to make sure that if I do loose my virginity, it is not going to be to this slut of a boy.

No one in my school knew this and I intended to keep it like that, I certainly didn't want anyone to find out because whether you like it or not  in this generation, nudity and your knowledge on things that involve sex or on how to 'ride on a dick', is what reigns. #noprudeallowed.

I don't answer, he obviously takes a hint. So he changes the topic.

"Am so lucky to have you. " he said.

"Aw... thanks. " I reply not really flattered, he was just flirting probably because now I was in a bikini and his guys were making him feel like he has just won the lottery, yeah am that hot.

The couple beside us, my best friend, Kim and Josh were a cute couple on the outside but honestly their issues were same as mine with James, except in this case Kim was the one cheating for some reason, Josh was a very nice guy, not my type though, but he certainly deserved someone better, Kim always treated him like some kind of handbag and he didn't care.

Kim was on her phone, taking pictures, obviously, when...

"Kim, I love you... will you be my date to prom?" Said Josh on one knee as if proposing.

Now, 'I love you' was a big statement to people in my highschool... I mean huge. Because most at times boys just dated girls to 'get some ', committing to a girl was another thing and then saying 'I love you ' was a once in a lifetime thing and to get an 'i love you' back was almost impossible, especially with the 'cool kids' because we could also date a person just to make us more popular.

Kim doesn't say anything she just looks shocked, I on the other hand just rolled my eyes.

"I think it's time you told him, don't you? " another guy, who sat besides Kim, said much louder than expected.

"Told me what? " Josh asked.

"Umm... Josh... " said Kim.

The guy, Alex, got up and stood in front of Josh, he was taller than Josh so it already looked like if there was going to have a fight, we already knew who had the upper hand.

"That she is mine." He said.

"Kim?..." he said to Alex before looking at Kim. "Again? "

"She was supposed to have broken up with you, by now." Alex said.

"You just shut up! am trying to talk to my girlfriend. " Josh said.

"You mean my girlfriend. " Alex corrected.

That provoked Josh, on a normal day Josh was a cool guy, I mean he was hardly ever in trouble unless he took the fall for Kim, which he does alot because Kim always does bullshit, I don't know if it is to see if Josh would still take the fall for her or because she knew she would never have to face the consequences... but today Josh was punching Alex's face, a guy who we expected to be stronger than him, while people were whispering, some trying to separate the fight, others wondering what the fuck was going on, I knew it was all Kim's plan because she loved it when guys would fight over, and stupidly Josh always does that.

She had told me herself that it made her feel priceless, it made me feel disgusted, although I didn't like James, I always remained loyal to him even though, he never did same. The idea of two guys fighting over me, seemed more stupid than exciting to me and I honestly didn't long for it or ever let it happen.

The guys separated the fight way too soon for Kim I could tell, Alex's face was battered with injuries on every part of his face, Josh just had a little cut on his lips.

"I can't believe you did this!" Kim scolded, holding Alex's face.

"Kim, am sorry, I don't know what came over me. " Josh said.

He's apologising? Ok, this is pathetic.

"How can I ever be with a person that can do this much damage to a human being?" Kim said.

"I didn't mean to, you know I love you and the thought of losing you to another person..." Josh said 

"Can make you nearly kill? I can't with you Josh. " she turned to Alex. "Let's go."

So much for the Alex that was so bold a second ago now, he is acting all innocent like a five year old.

And I felt bad for Josh, so I walked over to where he is sitting by the sea.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey." He said.

"That went from romantic to ugly fast." I joke and the laughs a little.

"It's just... I don't know why she keeps doing this. " he says.

"I don't know why you keep forgiving her." I say.

What I was doing right now, was against rule number 5: always defend best friend.

But how exactly could I defend the wrong party?

"Tell me about it... taking the fall for her... I feel like an idiot. "

"No offense but you kind of are, don't say anything to Kim but you deserve better. " I say before I leave.

A/N: Pls vote and comment

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