Chapter Seven

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“The rain won't fall.” I dropped the bombshell, I don’t know but I seemed to like her expression when I did this.

“Why do you think so, Your Grace?” distress became visible on her face, which I found adorable that she cared about things like this, unlike a 21st-century teen whose priorities were different.

I shifted in my seat as I got ready to lie, I began “During this time of the year, especially the first month of the year, rain doesn’t fall regularly only once surprisingly, and brings high tempera... heat when it falls.” I explained, realizing how Hana always felt whenever she made those evil comments to shatter my hope.

“Your Grace?” she answered looking sad. Am sorry Dong Yi but I was bored.

“Hmm hmm, but Dong yi?” trying my hardest to look serious.

“Yes, Your Grace.” She answered looking like she was denied lunch. but why do I feel like it's my fault? It’s so strange.

“But don’t tell anyone I said that.” I smiled persuasively at the young child.

“Yes, Your Grace.” She said no longer interested in the rites, we continued talking while the ceremony dragged on.

An uproar began as a group of angry men started to rebel at the gate of the temple. I looked and saw General Shin and some other guards blocking the angry mob from approaching the gate, in curiosity I asked her who was those people who looked ready to barge in and disperse everything, hoping to get a very long gist.

“Those are farmers blaming the food crisis on the King; they believe heaven has rejected the King. If he can’t appease the heavens, he would have to abdicate the throne to the prince of the court and be exiled to pay for his sins.” She answered as she returned her focus to the gate with a sad expression.

“The King can’t make the rain, he’s just a mere man.” anger and fear filled me over the obvious ignorance of these people.

“No Your Grace, don’t say that, the King represents the Sun, the son of heaven an...” Dong Yi corrected but I stopped her.

“Dong Yi, your King is an ordinary man, like those men outside. The difference is that he has a crown on his head. Besides, he can’t make the rain fall, only heaven chooses when. ” I finished as I looked back at the King still diligently doing the practice.

Dong Yi stared at her mistress who did not know that every word she just said was an offense to the crown but, because she was ignorant and kind, unlike her former mistress she had served since she was ten, she would not report this part to his Majesty.

The noise outside began to grow more into a distraction until it overshadowed the prayers the high priestess was shouting. I looked afar off and saw General Shin stopping the angry men from flooding into the temple grounds.

I admired him for enthusiastically doing his duty before I quickly looked forward to seeing His Majesty performing the rites relentlessly over again for the umpteenth time. It was admirable but I pitied him because his throne depended on something he could not control or did not even have power over and the only way to keep it was not even guaranteed.

When he was about to repeat the ritual, a eunuch came, bowed, and whispered into his ear and he nodded before dropping to his knees to continue the ritual.

There! I quickly spotted it, the wrinkles of sadness that flickered on his face and I found myself praying that a miracle happens even if it was something not related but... anything!!

I was so sure of what I saw even if it went as quickly as it came. I mean, I could relate to this kind of situation, I had a similar occurrence in my life, which made me want to help because I knew better in situations like this. 

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