Chapter Eleven

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Seon Jo.

I had gratefully watched her happily retire last night as I thought about how to punish the Prime Minister's wife Yi Ra.

Young Pil reported everything that occurred. Yes, of course, I was aware of everything and how bad it made her feel.

Prime Minister Nam Go followed Grandmother since she was his cousin but, how would I make an example of the Prime Minister's wife to anyone who’d think of defying orders?

After our previous night together, I hoped that she would love to meet with me again tonight, and based on what I heard from Young Pil tonight, I knew she would.

Therefore, I made sure to look my best, not forgetting to hide the fragrant flower petals I took from the jar the royal gardener had placed in my room tonight under my jacket and lastly, the look of assurance and calmness I knew always worked for me.

As I acknowledged her, I offered my smile hoping she wouldn't see the heap of nervousness underneath. I offered her a seat and went on to ask her how her day went.

She was about to pick up the stick where she had left it last night, I pulled out the bunch of papers, a brush, and ink placing it in front of her with her reaction making the surprise worth it.

She took it all and scribbled all about her day except the attempted murder on her life, which I had hoped she would start with, I watched her admiring how she quickly adapted to the world of mine compared to the heaven she fell from.

I patiently read it and vaguely asked her if that was all and she agreed, though I knew she wasn't saying it all, I still asked her

“Why do you look like something else happened?" which I didn’t think she knew was so obvious on her face.

I saw her wanting to reply but realizing she had used all blank papers except for one, which she collected and wrote

“This paper won’t be enough to say it all.” before showing it to me I found it witty and funny that she was smart to my liking, which made me laugh while thinking of a solution.

I remembered the stash I got these from and immediately took her hand with the used paper, the brush, and the ink and led her to where I knew she had no idea of, not until we arrived.

I led her inside the dimly lit but spacious room with beddings, cushions, and many pillows at any angle I deemed fit.

My private residence, I’d always come to when I wanted to get away from every one, no one had ever stepped a foot here apart from me.

I shut the door, moved toward my worktable, and lit two candles placing them on each side of the table, then I brought out a bunch of blank papers and placed the objects in my hands on the table.

Then, I went to Hye Jin and pulled her toward the table, sitting her down in front of me, and handed the brush over to her and asked her again this time being obvious that I knew she wasn't telling me what I wanted to hear.

“What are you not telling me?” with the kind of seriousness that revealed that I wanted to know and when she saw I was seriously interested, she wrote down everything I wanted her to tell me before handing the papers over to me which I took from her gently, satisfied.

After reading exactly what Young Pil had reported to me, I held her hand that was resting on the table assuring her never to be scared or worried that everything would be fine.

My sincerity infectiously made her agree and I smiled at her happily grateful that she had begun to open up to me I also hoped that she would trust me too, someday, soon and to get it, I must earn it which I was ready to do.

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