Chapter Twenty Two.

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"No!! " she screamed in her sleep which made Yeong Su rush over to hold her shoulders to shake her from the nightmares she was having.

When she opened her eyes and saw his face filled with worry, she glanced at Min Soo and Dong Yi now wide awake with surprise and pity on their faces.

She began hating the fact that those expressions were for her so she stood up and walked out the door.

After she made Min Soo fall back asleep, Dong Yi followed her outside after choosing to sleep whenever she did; while wondering when her Mistress began having nightmares.

She saw Vivian sitting outside with her eyes on the ground scribbling and in deep thought so, she moved closer and sat beside her.

When I raised my head although I felt disappointed, I was a little happy that someone followed even if it wasn't who I was hoping for. I smiled at Dong Yi pulling her closer.

"Why are you not in bed? " I pat her hair while straightening the bent strands at the same time.

"Am here for my Lady, if My Lady isn't asleep I can't." She replied sleepily, making me feel a little bad.

"It's ok, you can go back. What about.. "

"Min Soo? he's snoring, I patted him back to sleep after you left..."

"Oh... Thank you..." I smiled disappointed at Dong Yi for the wrong conclusion.

"What does my lady dream of that scares her?" She asked with sleep visible in her eyes,

I looked at the little teenager and pulled her closer to rest her head on my shoulder.

"Someone I am supposed to be helping.. ”

“What?! ” she raised her head to look at me but I returned her head to my shoulder.

“Someone asked me to find someone, and I haven't,” I said trying to ease the emotions I was feeling

“A man or a woman? ”curiosity pushed her to ask and after a short silence,

“a girl,” I answered,

“How does she look like? ” she posed still resting on my shoulder,

“She is beautiful or rather she was; she was about your age, maybe or maybe more. She wore long black hair to her waist, with eyes shaped like a half moon and a pearl-shaped nose with lips like... like..... like... Hmm... Yeong Su's. ”

“What? ” she whispered in surprise and we looked at each other immediately bursting into laughter.

I was relieved after getting a heavy load off my chest. As we chatted away into the night, I prayed and hoped for relief and a way back home.

In The Morning...

“Good morning, My Lady. ” Dong Yi beamed as she walked to the bath holding a bucket of hot water with steam being raptured out of it.

“Good morning Dong Yi. where's Min Soo and Yeong Su?” when I noticed we were the only ones inside.

“Orabeoni Yeong Su has gone out for work and took Min Soo with him,” she answered while folding away the clean clothes.

She turned to me, “Come eat my Lady and your bath is ready. ” announcing before walking away, after a bow of course.

“Thank you. ” I appreciated getting up from the bed to the table. As I sat down to eat, Dong Yi came over with rolled paper and placed it in front of me.

I took it curiously and unrolled it to find the exact face that had been haunting my dreams. I stared at this sketched portrait with shock and surprise before looking at the sketcher.

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