Chapter Twenty Seven.

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“Hey, Good evening ” he greeted with his lips glittering and I didn't know what or how to respond, I was so tired of this guy and his 'NOTICE ME!!!!' kind of dressing.

I nod at him waiting for him to exit but it seems he just qualified for a starring contest.
“Come in, I remembered that I forgot something at the provision store. I want to get it back,” he said much to my regret but I still entered, and seeing his finger on the first button, I just nodded in agreement and he pressed it.

I knew I was in a deep mess because he was going to raid my still-water mind with conversations that weren't going to help the Republic of Korea but because he could turn out as my company's customer tomorrow, I would just be calm and bear it.

“Thanks for helping me out that night. ” he began, huh I knew it!
'Nods' At this point I felt that I was representing my whole race when questioning why televisions haven't been added to elevators.

“How was work? ” he inquired and the 'work' gat his lips looking like a disco ball. I won't escape this one... URGH!!! How much do they pay this guy??? 

“Fine, thank you. ” I responded regretting why I kept my phone inside.

“Have you eaten yet? ” he posed. This guy ain't gon' give up, is he?

“About to.. ” calm down girl, you're representing your whole black race, be nice, be nice cause Uncle Santa's nice.

I knew I was getting on being rude because this guy didn't look like he was gonna be quiet soon.
“Oh me too, I bought some things but I forgot them at the store where I bought them. ” he lowered his voice at the end of this unwanted answer but 'why is he looking... so embarrassed though? ' cause nobody cared!!

"I didn't ask but.. why would you forget... You know what? never mind." I gave up, this guy was just worth me not caring.

“Oh?! ” he shyly sounded interested, “I first bought them on my way home but I got a call from work so I paid and asked them to keep them for me” he explained like it was my business to know,

"Ok, he's not a jobless goblin after all. Hmm. ” I reasoned but at this moment, I needed a reason(s) to avoid this guy. So, I just smiled and faced my business but no,

“Art, I paint... I'm an artist,” he continued... 'Oh god... But why?' I internally groaned behind the smiles.

'Did you say art? Paint? Say no more, Mr.'  I thought immediately as I looked at him from head to toe reviewing his anger-stimulating color combination in my mind. 

“I sketch, I'm into photography and few other things artiste do,” he commented when he saw my reaction towards his clothes,

“Following your passion I see. ” I chirped in looking at his shimmering silver lipstick.

“Yeah, I have loved pictures since I was little, either by drawing, painting, or photography, I love how colors affect us as humans..... ” he was busy newscasting and I was scanning him from head to toe.

He went on talking nonstop and I was just thinking and correcting his color-blind combination not listening to a word he was saying.

“... and since then, I decided Art was my calling. ” he ended when we got to the entrance of the provision store. I opened the door and breathed in the air of relief. He talked till we got to the store?!

I took the hamper and began shopping, and because he was a talker, he continued not even caring that wasn't interested. I couldn't believe that with one phrase he could spill the secrets of the CIA and FBI at a go, without stammering or even mincing words.

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