Chapter 3

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        After about of 10 minutes of walking and thinking about his or no, her plan. Rohan finally came up with something. ' Alright so I'll ask Koichi to get Josuke and Okuyasu to go to the cafe on the corner, and and when they're there I'll trip myself onto the ground and then that brat will help me up for sure. For once his helpful spirit is useful. Then I can be all sweet and ask him out!'  The mangaka thought to himself.
But just as Rohan rounded a corner he saw the two idiots already sitting at the cafe. ' Okay now I don't need to call Koichi.' He said to himself. " It's go time!" The mangaka whisper-yelled. He or I guess she walked to a table near Josuke and "tripped" over a chair. CrazyDiamond quickly came out and caught Rohan swiftly.
" Are you alright miss?" The pomp wearing teen asked.
" Uh-yes! Thank you for catching me!" Rohan said trying to sound sweet and innocent.
" Oh it's no trouble! I just didn't want to see a beautiful young lady like yourself get hurt!" Josuke said smiling.
' So cheesy." The mangaka thought to himself.
        " Oh well thank you!"
        ' Ugh, now to seal the deal.' He said in his head.           
        " And I love your hair! It really brings out you complex jawline!" Rohan said in a sweet voice.
        " Oh thanks! Um do you maybe wanna hang out sometime?" Josuke asked nervously.
        ' Yes!!' Rohan said to himself.
       " I would love to!" The now female said smiling brightly.
      " I'm Josuke by the way!" The teen said smiling.
        " I'm-uh, Renna!" Rohan said. Thank god he listened to Hikari's blabbing.
        " Do you wanna put your number in my phone?" Josuke asked, holding his phone out, still nervous about being rejected.
        The green haired female simply took the phone out of his hands and put her cell phone number in, which thankfully he hadn't given to anyone yet. " Well I have to go, but I'll text you!" Rohan said sweetly.
" I look forward to that, it, y-you texting me." The pomp wearing teen said, then gave a sheepish grin.
" Bye Josuke!" The mangaka said waving and walking away.
Once she got around the corner Rohan broke into a full sprint back home. She couldn't wait to tell Hikari the great news.
" Hikari!!" The mangaka said frantically while bursting through the door. " I did it!" She said smiling.
" Well that was fast"the brunet said, getting up from the chair she was sitting in to greet her friend.
" Yeah it was actually really easy!" Rohan stated as he plopped down on the couch and folded one leg over the other.
" So when are you going out with him?" Hikari asked.
" I don't know, but he has my phone number and seems desperate so it can't be too long." The mangaka said pulling out his phone to see if he had any new messages. Nothing.
" Do you want me to turn you back into a boy or...?" The brunet asked, looking at her friend as a girl was odd and unnatural.
" Yeah sure, I don't really care." Rohan said in a calm/cocky tone.
" Alright." Hikari's stand then appeared but before it punched the mangaka, there was a ding. Rohan checked it to be his phone which had a new message. ' Hey Renna it's Josuke from earlier! This may seem a bit too soon but I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight and maybe go for a walk around town?'
" Wow he's more desperate than I thought." The green haired female said bluntly. She typed the words 'yes I would love to! I'll meet you at the corner cafe at seven thirty, and don't be late!' " I guess I should stay as female for a little longer since I have a date." Rohan said with a devilish smirk.
        Hikari's eyes widened. " Jesus that was quick !" The brunet practically shouted and the mangaka nodded in agreement. "What are you gonna wear?" Hikari asked smiling.
        " Oh shoot I didn't think about that! Maybe I'll quickly sew something together." Rohan said, panicking a little.
        " Oh yeah I forgot you can sew! Ok, you sew something and I'll get some makeup and hair supplies out!" The brunet said while smiling about getting to help her friend for a date.
       " Right, most of my makeup and hair tools are in the bathroom cabinet so you can have a look in there!" The mangaka said. " But don't break anything or ill beat the sh*t out of you, even if you are a lady." She added. Then the two young women got to work!

~ meanwhile at the Higashikata residence ~

" SHE SAID YES!!" Josuke shouted in Okuyasu and Koichi's faces.
" So you both are gonna have girlfriends before me." Okuyasu said with a frown.
" Aww it's fine dude! You'll find someone one day." The pomp wearing teen said reassuringly. " But she probably won't be as hot as Renna!" He then added. This made Okuyasu throw a pillow at Josuke, which caused his pomp to mess up. " You're lucky I'm in too good of a mood to beat you up after that." The pomp wearing teen said glaring, but after the comment his mouth formed back into a smile.
" Wait so when is your date at?" Koichi asked, being more responsible then the other two.
Josuke read the new message from "Renna" on his phone. " She said to meet her at the corner cafe at seven thirty and to not be late." The pomp wearing teen said while focusing on the message.
" That's in an hour bro! You better start fixing your pomp if you wanna be there on time!" Okuyasu said, leaving behind most of his jealousy.
" Right, right!" Josuke said, slightly panicking.

Alright that was chapter three for ya! Hope y'all are enjoying the story so far because I've had a lot of fun writing it!

It Used to Be a Prank ( Josuke X Rohan)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz