Chapter 8

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" Josuke where are you taking me?" Rohan asked curiously,  after they stopped running.
        " You'll see." The pomp wearing teen said with a grin. The two rounded the corner to see a big fairs wheel. They walked up to the stand and Josuke gave the guy three thousand yen ( around $36) and whispered something in his ear. Then they got on the big wheel.
        " What did you say to him Josuke?" Questioned the mangaka as the Ferris wheel started turning. The two were sitting next to each other looking out at the sunset.
       " Hm? Oh I just asked him to do me a favour, that's all." The pomp wearing teen said with a secretive smile.
They just sat there silently, looking at the view. Until Rohan leaned over, and kissed Josuke on the lips. After a few seconds of kissing, the Ferris wheel hit the top and stopped, and the two broke apart.
" So that was the favour, huh!" The green haired female said, smiling with blush on her cheeks.
The pomp wearing teen nodded back, also blushing. " Renna, I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" The teen asked bluntly, crossing his fingers.
Rohan was frozen with fear. How was he supposed to tell Josuke everything at this point. " I-I." He couldn't even speak. The mangaka took and deep breath, and looked the teen in his eyes." I would love to date you Josuke." He started, and the teens face lighted up a bit. " But." The teens face then became confused. " I could never be your girlfriend." The green haired female said nervously.
" But, why?" Josuke asked, looking defeated.
        " Because, I can't be a girlfriend." Rohan found that was all he could say. He didn't want to hurt Josuke by lying to him.
" Is it a family thing?" The pomp wearing teen asked.
Rohan was on the verge of tears. " No." He said shakily, and Josuke looked confused. "Im sorry Josuke Higashikata. I didn't mean to lie to you." Rohan started. " To be honest my names not even Renna. And I can't be a girlfriend, because I'm not biologically a girl."
        " What?!" Josuke said backing up a bit.
        " It used to be a prank. To get back at you.
But it isn't one anym-"
" A PRANK?!??" Josuke yelled. " What kind of sick person would do such a thing!!!??" The the pomp wearing teen stopped, and looked up at the green haired female in front of him. After a few seconds Josuke slapped Rohan full force across the face. " You sh*tbag!!" He yelled. " The only person whose psycho enough to do something to screwed up in of course you, Rohan." The last part sounded so bitter, it made The mangaka want to shrivel up into a ball and cry. He was crying at this point, and Josuke was on the verge of tears. " I can't believe you would stoop that low you." The pomp wearing teen sneered. " And to think, you know what, never mind."
The two were so caught up in their argument that they didn't even notice the Ferris wheel had already started descending and had hit the ground now. Josuke got up and ran away from the cart, leaving Rohan with some confused stares directed at him.
        The mangaka eventually found Hikari and grabbed her, pulling her away from Okuyasu.
       "Wha-" Hikari noticed Rohan's red eyes and held him in a tight hug. Once she broke apart she turned to Okuyasu. " You can tell your sh*t for brains friend to go jump off a cliff!" The brunet yelled, then started walking away the Rohan. " We can get a ride from Koichi and Yukako." She said, and the mangaka nodded in agreement.
        Once she spotted the couple, Hikari ran over pulling Rohan with her.
        " Hikari, Rohan-sensi? What happened, is everything okay?" Koichi asked, very worried to see the mangaka had red and puffy eyes from crying.
       " Could you maybe give us a ride home? We'll explain on the way!" The brunet asked, looking at the two with pleading eyes.
        " Yes of course we can!" Yukako answered, then gestured for the other to follow her to her car.

~ Back at Rohan's place ~

Once the four them got inside, Hikari noticed pure murder in Yukako's eyes.
" Uh, are you alright Yukako?" The brunet asked.
" Hell no! A man should never hurt a women!! Even if that women is actually a man but still! What if he broke his jaw?!!" The black haired female yelled.
" Yukako calm down, alright." Koichi said in a soft voice.
" Wait what do you mean?" Hikari asked, her eyes widening. She looked over at the mangaka to see a red mark on his cheek. " Did he hit you?!!!" She yelled, just as loud as Yukako now.
        " Yes." Rohan said, looking down. Yukako then stormed out using her hair like grappling hooks and disappeared down the street.
        " I should probably go stop her." Koichi said as he walked out the door, I'll be back in a bit okay." The short teen said as he went to his car and got in.
        " Thanks Koichi!" Hikari called as he drove away. " Alright you should probably get in some pajamas while I get some ice for your face. " Here." Hikari said as her stand came out and yelled "Bossanova!!" And Rohan was male again. " Now go get dressed." She ordered.
The mangaka came back down in his nightgown and plopped down on the couch. Tears started to well up in his eyes every time he thought about Josuke, and how genuinely mad he looked. He cried putting his hands on his face.
Hikari noticed, and sat on the couch beside Rohan, and used her palm to draw ovals on his back in a soothing motion. " It'll be okay Rohan." She said softy. " Everything will be okay."

~ Meanwhile in the Higashikata residence ~

         " YOU, SICK, BASTARD!!!" Yukako screamed as she grabbed Josuke with her hair and started throwing him around the room.
        " Yukako, calm down you don't want to kill him." Koichi said. " Please, Hikari will probably want us there to help." He said calmly.
The black haired women looked at the shorter teen, and walked out of the room leaving Okuyasu confused.
" Josuke are you okay?!" He questioned, running over to help his friend up.
" Yeah I think so."
" Why did Yukako try to kill you? And why was Renna crying earlier?!" The not so bright teen questioned.
" Pffft! Renna. Oh right! You don't know about the psychotic prank Rohan played on me!" Josuke almost yelled. Just thinking about it made him want to scream.
" Wait Rohan sent a girl to go pretend to like love you?" Asked a confused Okuyasu.
" No. That girl was Rohan, Renna was just a fake name." The pomp wearing teen said, clenching his teeth.
" But Rohan is a guy not a girl." The not so bright teen said, beyond confused at this point.
After a moment of thought Josuke understood. " It's Hikari's stand. It has to be, since he started the damn prank on the day she showed up!" Josuke said angrily.
" Woah you need to chill a bit dude. I mean so what Rohan is an a**hole, we already knew that." Okuyasu said.
" Yes but I-." He sighed. " I was starting to like that girl, and I gave her the honor of my first kiss." Josuke said sadly.
" Have you ever opened the possibility that Rohan actually likes you? And maybe he just didn't know any other way to get your affection then becoming female?" The not so smart teen said, actually sounding kinda smart.
" No he said it was a prank."
" You sure bro, cause you didn't sound too sure saying that right then." Okuyasu said raising a brow.
        " Fine. More specifically he said it used to be a prank." Josuke said, looking down. " But it's still sick to prank someone that way." He added.
" Used to be a prank sounds like maybe he actually started to like you in the end. And you like him too right?" The not too smart teen said awkwardly.
Josuke sighed. " He lied to me. I won't be with a liar."
" Oh stop being stubborn and get some rest. You can go confess to him tomorrow, alright." Okuyasu said smiling.
" You are horrible and amazing at the same time ya know." The pomp wearing teen said walking towards his bedroom door. " Maybe I do like him." He said before closing the door.
Ssaaaaaad chapter!!!! I'm sorry but the next chapter is gonna be soooo good!! At least I hope so, I honestly have no idea where this is going.... but hope ya enjoyed this chapter even if it's kinda depressing hehe.. trust me it will get good! Have a great rest of your day/night!!

It Used to Be a Prank ( Josuke X Rohan)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin