Chapter 1 Life of a Sad Sad Girl

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Lia pov

"You know I love you. Have an amazing day at school sweetie. I know you will do great."

"mhm. Gotta go mom." is all I am able to make out before cutting the phone and letting out the sob that I was trying to hold in as I talked to her.

"You better shut up before I fucking smack you and make your disgusting face uglier. Now get out!"

My uncle, Marvin, grabs the phone from my hand but before walking away he tugs my face near his,"You know what happens if you say anything from that stupid mouth of yours about me."he shoves my face back and slams my door shut. 

I quickly wipe my tears and grab my backpack for school. I take a glance at the mirror for any signs of tears and rush out the door barely even putting on my shoes. I wanted to leave that god forsaken place as soon as possible and school was the best escape from it.

Although school was not a safe haven either. I had my other hell at school and his name was Jaden Miller. Stratford high's IT boy. He had it all from tan skin to a chiseled jawline and an amazing body to wealth and popularity. His mom was on the school board of trustees and his father was a big business man.

Jaden was a senior, so he was older than me, but I still had some classes with him since I was smart. He was smart and rich. I mean most of the kids in my school were rich kids, since it was a private institution, but he was super rich.

Wonder how I got into Stratford high? I got in because of my excellent marks and it was also because of a favour to my parents by Jaden's mom ironically.

My mom and dad worked for her before they took off travelling in order to sell products for their new boss. She rewarded them for their good work by giving me a spot in Stratford. Mrs Miller always had a soft spot for me since she watched me grow up because my mom would sometimes bring me to the office.

She said Stratford would be great for me since I had good grades already and the school name would attract many universities. But little did I know it would prove to be the cause of my anxiety. I got on the third bus towards my school, since my home was not in the richer area I had to get ready earlier to take three buses.

It was not worth it. Everyone hated me and the only friends I had were girls who would only use me. Actually they are the reason I got noticed by the infamous Jaden Miller.


I was late for class since I had woken up late. I had spent all night hiding from my uncle who was in the mood to be violent. And by the time I got off my second bus I got a call from Sharron Hills, also my senior along with her friend Kelly Li. The other, Ashley Winston, was my age but also super smart so she got a year ahead too.

"Lia! Where the hell are you? Ashley and Kelly said you would arrive soon but you haven't! I need my coffee right now and you aren't here? Are we even friends-

"I'll get it Sharron just wait." I say and run to a coffee shop near the transit centre. I quickly ask for Sharron's usual French vanilla coffee and rush to go to my third bus, but it had already taken off without me. I had to wait in the cold just thinking how mad Sharron and my teacher will be and how bad they will yell at me.

"It is okay. Once you get there just get the yelling over with and go on with your day. And then you will get home. Uncle Marvin might yell but it is fine, then you get to just sleep."I comforted myself like this everyday due to the girls and uncle Marvin lecturing me or uncle Marvin taking a step further than that everyday. So I learned to just think of it as something to get over with.

Once my third bus came for it's second round I impatiently stood waiting for it to stop at my school. As soon as it stopped I rushed out saying thank you to the driver. I ran full speed across the field carful not to spill the coffee. Once I reached school I carelessly turned a corner, bumping my latte onto something hard.

"FUCK!" I hear a deep voice yell. I looked up in horror seeing the furious face of Jaden Miller.

"Aw shit bro she got her drink all over you."

I was frozen in shock until someone snapped me out of my trance. "You dumbass! Where do you think you were going?!"

"I-I- I'm sooo sorry. Please forgive me! I will clean your shirt for you."

"No. Listen here Stutters, I own you now. And rest assured I will make your life living hell."

"Awww shit. You just got blacklisted by Jaden Miller!" The guy next to him says. I glance back at Jaden who shoots me a glare as he pushes past me.


And that's the story of how my life became hell x3000

Because just like Jaden promised my school had become even worse to me than before. Even Sharron Hills started to treat me worse than ever.

I straighten out my uniform as I walk towards school, stopping by the gift shop to talk to Mr Herbert, a homeless man. All these rich kids thought he was a disturbance, but the shop owner did not mind him so they never got rid of him. Which I was grateful for.

A few months ago when my bullying had come to a peak I was walking in the dark from school since I had to stay late to do Kelly's homework. Three guys, who I recognized from Chem had waited for me and dragged me to an alley near the school. They were cursing at me as they were trying to undress me. I tried to scream but they muffled my voice. But to their misfortune, Mr Herbert heard the noise and saved me by threatening to call police. They all quickly ran away and Mr Herbert helped me collect my things and brought me water from the gift shop with the little bit of change he had. He stayed with me as I gathered myself and walked me to my bus safely.

Something that surprised me from that incident is when Mr Herbert told me he had yelled at Jaden about what happened that night, Jaden, instead of getting mad, asked the gift shop owner for security cameras since they were near the alley. Once Jaden had found out who those boys were he made them apologize to me and stand infront of the school with the sign, "I'm a sex offender.". He charged them with assault and they got kicked out of the school. It was something that I was grateful for ,but he was still a big jerk. After that incident he told everyone that only he could bully me. Like thanks? Am I supposed to be grateful? Everyone still hates me?

Once I reached class Ashley waved to me and told me to come sit. Ashley was the only nice one out of them. She would sass me sometimes but she always made sure I was alright whenever Sharron or Kelly said something harsh. I knew she couldn't say anything infront of them but she always was way better than anyone else.

"Sharron is flirting up Jaden in the halls right now and Kelly is straightening her hair in the bathroom."She explains.

"Okay." I put my bag down and take out my homework. Mr Blaise comes over to my desk and takes it in, "As expected Ms Avery." He smiles, I give a slight smile before paying attention to the guy entering our class.

"Mr Miller glad you could join us today." Mr Blaise says.

He rolls his eyes and sits down at the back with his boys. I didn't realize I was staring until he caught my eye, "Yo Stutters find someone else to look at I don't want your ugliness to spread on me."

I nod and look away working on the lesson Mr Blaise was introducing to us.

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