Chapter 4 - Ashley ; a real one

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Jaden POV
As I came through the gates towards my house I see my mom standing at the door waiting for me. I give my keys to our driver and let him park it while I walk up to my mom curiously.
"Why the worried face? I literally came home at 8 that wasn't even bad." I cross my arms as she stares up at me.

"Jaden. I know you are a popular kid at school. But I hope you aren't abusing the power you are given with your status."

"What? I don't even do anything! Who the hell said-

"Nobody said anything Jaden. I just thought I should say that."

"Where is this coming from then?!" I ask annoyed at her for lecturing me for no good reason.

"It's nothing. I just wanted to ask; Do you know Mary and Gavin's daughter? Lia?"

"I mean I know of her-Wait why?"
I knew something was up with Stutters!

"Her mom and dad have been really worried about her. Saying she doesn't answer their calls like she used to, she gives dry answers, sometimes she sound so hurt and broken. They think something might be going on at school."

"I don't know mom. I've barely talked to her."

"Wait barely?! I thought you said you knew of her? Have you talked to her Jaden and don't you dare lie to me!"

"Okay! We may have talked once because she spilt coffee on me."

"Oh god Jaden. I know you so well! You better start being nice to her! And hang around her, maybe try to find out what's going on. Poor girl hasn't seen her parents for two years, have some compassion Jaden."
I groan and go inside, hearing her say, "I didn't raise a boy Jaden! I raised a man!"

As I lay on my bed I start thinking about Stutt- Lia dammit. I am so used to calling her Stutters I forget her name sometimes.
Wait so Lia doesn't live with her parents? Then who was that man?
Like mom said I should keep her close and ask her more about herself. I need her to open up in order to find out what dark secret Lia has.

——————————— next day
Lia pov
"Mom-mommy, I'm okay. I've just been so stressed over school. Haha! Did you know I dropped my lasagna by accident but someone gifted me another one in my locker? People are so kind there mom."

I look up towards uncle Marvin who hisses, "Say it!"

"Uh-Erm, Mommy could you stop calling for sometime? I'm usually home late and when I get home I'm really tired. And in the morning I gotta get ready and catch up with my friends." I hold in my tears as I say this. My heart ached knowing how much pain my mom probably felt hearing this from me. I felt so terrible.

I hear a silence on the other end then my mom says, "Okay sweetie. I just want you to know I love you and whenever you are free please call me! I just want to hear your voice." She says.
"Okay mom-I have to go now bye!" I quickly cut the call and give the phone to uncle Marvin. He snatches it then leaves.
I get up from my bed and walk over to my mirror. Examine my face I look at all the bruises and cuts on my face.
My hand reaches for the beauty blender as I put my full coverage concealer on them.
"Cmon. Please cover!Please!" I beg as tears pour down my cheeks. They were showing. This time it was too hard to cover.
I turn around looking at my phone. I couldn't even use this stupid thing to call mom and dad separately because uncle Marvin checked my phone records. But I did have another option for helping me cover all this up.
Its my only option.
——————- twenty minutes later
I see a bmw park in front of my house, grabbing my things I walk towards it.
As I get in I hear a gasp.
"What the hell happened to you?!" Ashley asks.
"I fell down the stairs."
"Let's go to my house we still have time till school starts."
I nod as she tells her driver to go back home.
When we arrive she grabs my hand and takes me to her makeup room.
"I would usually have my team do your face but since this is too sensitive I'll do it myself."
"What do you mean sensitive?"
She sighs and sits infront if me, "Lia I know when someone is being abused. I feel bad that it took me this long to figure it out for you but I did the day you were limping. Why do you think Sharron isn't bothering you? I've been keeping her busy with the idea of Jaden."

"Thank you Ashley."

"Thank me? Lia you have every right to hate me. I know I haven't been that great to you either but I'll change that. Now we are going to have to give you a full on glam look in order to cover you all up, so in the mean time tell me about this piece of trash who thinks it's okay to lay a hand on a girl?"

"Well my parents had to go to start travelling as they became sales representatives for their company. So they trusted me with my uncle Marvin and my aunt Cecilia. However a month after me staying there, Cecilia was diagnosed with cancer and passed away the following week. Ever since then uncle Marvin has blamed me for her death, he became an alcoholic and started to hit me. He threatened me with mine and my parents life if I ever reported him. And it just keeps getting worse and I don't know what to do." I say.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry Lia. What can I do to help?"

"If you want to help please just don't tell anyone. I need to handle this myself. It just feels good to finally tell someone other than an adult."

"Your secret is safe with me. I promise. Okay your all done let's get you to school."

Once we reach school as I walk behind Ashley nervously people gasp and turn their heads towards me. I felt naked. If only this stupid school uniform allowed hoodies I would live in one.
I pulled at my skirt as I approach Sharron and Kelly without noticing the three other pairs of shoes near them.
"What the hell is up with your face?" Kelly asks.
Ashley changes the topic, "Jaden, Zach,J-Joshua,Hi!"
I look up and see the Zach and Jaden staring me down.
"What's the occasion Latte?" Zach asks.
"She um wanted some makeup tips so I taught her." Ashley says hurriedly. I felt relieved that she was keeping her side of the promise.
"So Jaden as I was saying-"Sharron is interrupted by Jaden
"Stutters meet me after school at the guys change rooms near the football field." Jaden says.
I nod. Again?! Why does he hate me!
I notice Sharron glare at me and whimper while looking back down at my feet.
"MY LOVELY LIAAAA!" I hear a voice yell.
Oh god Blake.
He slings his arm over my shoulder then frowns when he sees my face, "Lia when did you become extra pretty?"

Someone grabs my arm and I see Jaden dragging me,he pulls me away and glares, "You can say thank you."
"Y-your wel-welcome." I realize my mistake and gasp, "I - I mean-

"Stutters what am I gonna do with you?" He smirks and ruffles my hair then goes into the classroom.

I hate my life.

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