Chapter 6 - What Just Happened?

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Lia pov
I couldn't sleep.
Jaden's face just kept popping up in my head.
He was so gentle to me today.
Is this an elaborate ploy?
What about uncle Marvin being such an ass in front of him?
I hope he isn't suspicious of anything.

Before knowing it, the sun had risen and I got up to change, drowned in my thoughts. I pulled on my uniform and made my way through the front door this time, since it was too early for uncle Marvin to be awake.
I got on the bus and as it made its way to school I felt my heart racing. It always did this. My anxiety got pretty bad when going home or to school, my stomach would churn and my heart would beat faster than usual.
Finally we get off and I go talk to Mr Herbert.
"Hello sir." I say handing him some change.
"Hi Lia. Why are you here so early?"
"Couldn't sleep."
"I saw you walk out in the arms of Jaden yesterday. What was that all about?"

"Oh I injured myself so he helped me."

"Helped you? Wow. It seems like he is finally maturing." Mr Herbert looked quite impressed.

"Maybe. Anyways I've got to get going Mr Herbert. See you!" I walk off and make my way towards the art room. It was so serene there. The perfect spot to paint.

"Lia! You haven't been by in a while sweetie." Mrs Shultz says sorting out her paperwork.

"Yes. I am here to do a little work on my canvas today. It isn't finished yet." I head over to my canvas and start to take out the paints I need.

Jaden pov


"Yes coach." I look over to see my coach, Mr Shank hand me a poster.

"I need you to give this to Mrs Shultz and tell her it is the blueprint for the poster the art students need to make for the football game."

I roll my eyes and gesture towards the juniors, "Can't they do it."

"Jaden c'mon." He practically shoves it in my hands and walks off. Great. I have to go to the hippie side of the school with all the whackos.

I walk all the way to the arts wing, all the students practically gawking at me. I had always said I am never stepping foot in this area, but today I had no will to argue with Mr Shank. As I make my way into the art room I see a lady wearing a parka sitting at her desk with her eyes lost deep in thought. Guessing she might be Mrs Shultz I walk up to her and hand her the poster.
Just as I was about to leave someone catches my eye.
It was Lia
She was painting something, looking extremely focused on it.
Her hair was tied in a low pony, she wore an apron over her uniform, and sometimes she would stop to look at how it is coming along.
She looked so peaceful without a care in the world...
So ethereal
"What are we looking at- oh I see you have a little crush my boy." I notice that Mrs Shultz standing next to me her eyebrows raised to tease me.
"I don't have a crush. God I knew this place was full of crazies." I storm off. Screw that Shultz! I don't have a crush of Stutters of all people!

Lia pov
I walked from the art class towards English. I had finished my essay from a while ago since I like to do it by hand, so I was prepared to give it in. However just before I enter the class Sharron comes up to me.
"I didn't do my homework. So give me yours."
"B-but Sh-Sharron-
"Shut up! Do you want everyone to know your little secret?"
I shake my head desperately.
"Then fucking give it!" She snatched the papers out of my hand and erases my name off before putting hers.
I walk in after her,
"Lia, give me your essay."
I look up at the teacher then look toward the others who were sitting. I saw Sharron glaring at me, Ashley with a curious expression, and Jaden just on his phone.
"Lia! Essay!"
"I- I d-don't have I-it." I hung my head low in sadness.
"What the hell do you mean you don't have it! I reminded you guys everyday for two months! Lia you have disappointed me so much-

All of those words started drowning out. My vision was blurred, it started getting hard to breathe, I couldn't even stand. Feeling my knees buckle, I drop to the ground. I was gasping for air. Suddenly I feel someone pick me from the ground and take me to the nurses office. I was so exhausted and out of breathe that I laid limp as she did her best to calm me down.

Finally after she calmed me by making me drink water and soothing my back I come to my senses.
"You can leave dear she needs to rest." I hear her voice tell someone.
"No I'm good." I hear a deeper voice respond. I look over and see Jaden, he was staring at me before he realized I was looking back.
"Lia what the heck? You just had a panic attack over homework?" He raises his eyebrow at me.
"N-no." I look down and fiddle with my hands, not wanting to talk about it.
"God fucking dammit Lia!" He storms out making me jump in shock.
What happened?
Suddenly the door opens and I see Blake come in.
"Hey Lia. I heard you had a panic attack? Are you okay?"
Tears well up in my eyes as I shake my head no. Pulls me close and gives me a comforting hug.
"What's the matter Lia?"
"I-I was adopted." I sat in between my sobs.
"Lia. Okay first I want you to calm down okay. No one is gonna hurt you. Just tell me calmly." He soothes me as I try to collect myself.
"I'm not actually my parent's real daughter. When I was 5, I was taken from my mom because she could not raise me. I grew up in a foster home, where a woman by the name of Geraldine, would take care of us. But she always abused me so much. I don't know why. She would kick me and scream at me then make me beg for forgiveness. It was until my parents, Mary and Gavin, found out about me and adopted me that I was saved. But after all that trauma, I have so much anxiety. Whenever someone shows authority over me I get nervous and tend to stutter. I don't mean to but it just happens. And when people raise their voice at me I tend to get scared or in rare cases such as today, get panic attacks."

"Oh my god Lia. I'm so sorry." Blake says holding my hand.
"It's okay." I look towards the door and see Jaden standing there. My eyes widen and I sit up straighter.
"Oh Jaden. Here you wanna-
"I need to talk to her. Alone." He looks over at Blake with a blank face.
Blake nods and walks out leaving us in an empty room together.

"I'm sorry."

Am I hearing right?
That can't be right?
Am I dead?
Is this a dream?

"Lia." I hear the voice say.
I focus my eyes on Jaden who came closer to me. Not Stutters? He actually called me Lia?
"I'm sorry for being such a fucking jerk to you."
"It's o-ok." 
"No it's not. I heard everything you told Blake. I had no clue you went through all that."

"I-I don't kn-know wh-what to s-say."
"How bout for starters please stop being so nervous in front of me."
"I-I'll try." I purse my lips, I couldn't help the stuttering.
"What are you doing today?"
I look at him curiously but answer his question, "I-I have t-to go t-to th-the vet."
"Okay. How bout I take you there and once you are done, we do something."
"Just trust me alright. I gotta go to class but once it's done I'll meet you and we are going." He leaves after shooting me his signature smirk.

What the heck?

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