Chapter 11 - Sharron Is A Fucking Pyscho

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Jaden pov

I didn't know what to say to her the entire ride. Hearing her silent sniffles I felt horrible for letting her go with Sharron.

Those cuts and bruises....

I know not all of them could've come from Luke. Some of them looked older.

I stop the car infront of her house and turn towards her.

"Lia. Are you sure you can be by yourself tonight?" I ask.

"Yes. I j-just need to be a-alone." She wipes her tears looking down at her hands.

"Lia. Can I ask you something?"

She looks at me with her bloodshot eyes.

"Have you been getting hit? Is someone abusing you? I know about the whole foster parent but even now, is someone still hurting you?"

"N-NO! S-STOP AS-ASKING! IM P-PERFECTLY F-F-FINE!" Without a second glance, she runs out of the car and towards the backyard door.

What the hell? Who reacts like that?

I drove home, exhausted from the unravelling of tonight. I just wanted to go to my room and sleep till Monday.

When I arrive home, I see mom sitting in the living room.

"Hey mom." I say plopping beside her on the couch.

"Hello dear, who were you with so late? I called Joshua asking if you were still at the party and he said you left a while ago."

"Oh I was just with Lia." I say.

"Lia huh?" I hear a deep voice say. I turn and see dad walk towards us and sit on my other side.

"I think Jaden has taken a liking to her." Mom smirks.

"No! I'm just being nice cuz I feel bad." I say defensively.

"Son we both were your age at one point. I know for a fact that I wouldn't go so above and beyond for anyone if it wasn't for somebody I liked. I think Lia has the power to make you into the best version of yourself. Just try to take a chance, and let your feelings out in the open." Dad pats my shoulder and looks towards mom, "I think we should allow him some time to think. Shall we?"

"We shall." Mom smiles and links arms with dad as they walk off. Barf.

Do I have feelings for Lia?

Is all of this because I like her?

I can't like her. I'm such a fuckboy. What if I mess up and hurt her? She's already so broken I don't want to make it worse!

Dammit Jaden! You gotta avoid her!


Lia pov

I woke up and remembered it was Saturday morning, meaning I could just stay locked in my room. Saturday's and Sunday's I always saved some canned fruits for my meals or Violet would make me come down to the vet clinic to have a meal. However she was out of town so I had to make do with the fruits as dinner.

As I sat up straight I recalled last nights events. When that guy grabbed me and threw me on the bed, then ripped off my shirt, he kissed my neck and chest.
All I could think of at that moment was Jaden.
I only wanted Jaden to ever do this. Not anyone else.
I yelled out for Jaden but to no avail.
I thought of Ashley, who had been there for me when I was down and called out for her. But still no answer.

I needed Jaden.

And soon enough my hero came.

A sob escapes my lips as I curl up in a ball.

Suddenly I get a text.

Ashley : We need to talk.

Sighing I reply : When?

Ashley : Now. Come outside.

I pull over a hoodie and leave through the window, I enter her car but don't spare her a glance.

"I'm gonna take you somewhere." She says and starts driving.

We reach a building but I'm not sure what it is.

"Come with me." She says parking her car.

We walk towards the plain white building, catching stares of people since Ashley, with her designer outfit didn't look like she belonged in such a sketchy area.

"Ashley! How are you dear?" A middle aged woman says hugging Ashley.

"I'm good. Just showing a friend this place. Can we use the council room?"

The lady nods and leads us to an empty room with just a couch and a chair infront of the couch.

"If you haven't caught on already. This is an abortion clinic."

"Ashley, why did you bring me here?"

"To explain myself. That night. Yesterday. When Jaden asked me about what Sharron had been talking to me about, I couldn't answer. And it was not because I knew about this plan. Lia, if I had known about the plan, I would've risked it all to save you. And you know why? Because I know for a fact Sharron did the same thing to me."

I look up at her in shock.

"It was when I had just entered high school. Sharron was a sophomore and I was a junior. She took a liking to me since I had all the junior girls under my control. She told me we were besties. Me her and Kelly. However when Jaden hadn't arrived to the school yet since he was coming from abroad later on in the year, she had an interest in Joshua. I had no clue and tried pursuing him too, but then Kelly found out I liked him , after I told her. This made Sharron mad, however instead of being the one to do anything, she told this guy named Eric that I wanted to...I wanted to....have sex with him."

She breathes and closes her eyes,

"You don't have to say it Ashley-

"No I do. That night. Eric found me. I told him I didn't want to have sex and he thought I was just playing hard to get. I tried stopping him but he raped me. He raped me...and I was the one who had to suffer the aftermath."

"What aftermath?" I ask.

"I found out I was pregnant. I didn't know what to do or who to talk to, so I told Sharron. She told me I was disgusting and a whore, she told me I have to abort the child. And dumped me at this clinic. I was so scared. So so lonely. Lia. I had no one."

After she wipes her tears, Ashely continues, "The baby was gone and Sharron told me I could rejoin the group. And then Jaden came. Her eyes went from Joshua to Jaden. She ruined my life for someone she could get over so fast. And that night of the party, she came up to me saying she knew I still liked Joshua. And if I made a single move against her, she would tell him all about the abortion and how much of a whore I am. Lia. I promise I didn't know. I just couldn't say anything."

I quickly hug a crying Ashley, "Don't worry. This is between us Ashley. I'm so sorry you had to go through that alone."

"I'm sorry Lia." She sobs.

"There isn't any need to be." I say.

God Sharron is such a psycho!

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