Chapter 7 - Bonding

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Lia pov
"Lia! So wonderful- who is this handsome young man." Violet asks looking at Jaden.
"I'm Jaden." He says.
"Well Jaden will you be helping me and Lia with the pets?"
"Nah I-
I was staring up at him expectingly, when he looks down at me mid sentence, he breaks eye contact and looks back at Violet.
Violet made the poor guy clean the dogs, which he was having a hard time doing because he clearly did not have any experience in doing so.
I go up to him and gently hold the dog, "Y-You just need to m-make sure he t-trusts you." I start to soothe Rex as Jaden starts to groom him.
As he cleaned I stared up at him admiringly. He looked so dazzling with his sleeves rolled up and his hair untidy.
"Shouldn't you be watching the dog and not my face?" He mutters loud enough for me to hear.
I look down shyly. Crap, Lia! You are such a dumbass!
After we had finished volunteering, he took me to an amusement park.
"There is the train of terror! It takes rollercoasters to another level!" He says as we walk in.

I didn't have the courage to tell him how absolutely terrified I was of heights, so I kept to myself. As we walked towards the rollercoaster I hear the shrieks of the people being flung into the air then back down like ragdolls. Out of shock I accidentally grab Jaden's shirt but then realize what I have done and quickly let go.

Jaden pov

My heart skipped a beat again, right when she grabbed onto me. I look down at her and see her eyeing the rollercoaster in fear.

Oh no, was she scared of heights?

I'm such an idiot.

"Hey on second thought, you wanna go get some cotton candy?" Right when I ask her eyes light up and she nods her head violently.

Gesturing her to follow, I walk towards the stand. As I hand her the cotton candy she takes a bite then offers it to me. I smile and bend down to take a bite, making eye contact with her. I see her cheeks turn crimson as she looks away.


I went on easy rides with her as to not scare her too much, but it still was so much fun with her. She started to become less jittery and nervous around me, which to my pleasure lead to her jumping up and down excitedly at the bear I won her.

It had started to get late so I decided to top it off with something relaxing.

"I have never gone on those." I state pointing to the Ferris wheel.

"We should go! I went on with my mom once it was so much fun!" She squeals.

I smirk at her and she tilts her head curiously, "Is something wrong?"

"You didn't stutter this time."

She looks down shyly and so I grab her hand and lead her to the Ferris wheel. She looks flustered when I look back at her, even she couldn't resist me.

We get on and the Ferris wheel starts to move.

"It is so serene." She looks out the window in a daze.

"Yeah almost like you got no problems in the world."

"Y-yeah." Lia tucks her hair back and smiles.

"Wow." I accidentally breathe out.


"N-nothing. Fuck- "

She starts to laugh, "I-I guess I've rubbed off o-on y-you."

"How come you still stutter with me? You don't stutter with Blake?"

"I-I guess with Blake, h-he gave me th-this sense of s-safety. With you-

Let Me DownOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora