Chapter 5 - Catching Feelings

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Lia pov
My last block class was so much fun today! We had a substitute who showed us a very educational film on the nervous system. People were falling asleep but I thought it was pretty awesome. I jotted down notes as I went for future reference in case we ever needed it.
As soon as the bell rang I remembered what Jaden said so I make my way near the boys change room. As I waited for Jaden I hear the obnoxious voice again.

"Lia? Your a pervert?"

"Oh my god Blake! Where do you come from!" I smack his shoulder in shock.

"Didn't answer my question so I'm assuming your some sort of creep that likes to hang around the boys change rooms."

"No! I- I was waiting for Jaden. He told me to wait here."

"Why do you have such a huge crush on him-

I immediately cover his mouth, "I don't have a crush!"

"What are you guys talking about?" I see Jaden wearing a tight fitted t shirtand sweats.
He looked a little ticked off. Were we being too loud?

"Lia's got a crush." Blake smirks as he removes my hand from his mouth. I stare up at him with puppy eyes trying to make him stop.

"On me." He finished. Oh well at least he didn't say Jaden or that would've ruined my life.
Nonetheless I protest, "Blake I don't!" I pout.

Jaden pov

Why was she so damn comfortable with him?

Did she actually have a crush on Blake?

But I am so much more hotter?

What the hell Jaden what are you thinking?

I fling my hoodie on my shoulder and walk towards a very nervous looking Lia. Whenever she saw me she looked like she would pee her pants.

"C'mon I gotta practice my throws and I need you to catch for me." I look down at her with a poker face.

She nods and walks with me when Blake gabs Lia's arm.

"Let's hang out sometime okay?"

She shakes her head no looking at him with a weird face.


"Why are you so obsessed with her?" I ask.

"Because she is so cute." He starts chubbing her cheeks and she gasps in shock.

"Blake stop! Let's go." I shove his hand away from her and throw my hoodie at her face to catch, and turn around so she follows me.

"You don't have to listen to people's orders." I say as we get to the field, I grab a football and tell her to go further.

She stays still and I walk up to her, "Why aren't you going?"

"D-didn't you say t-to n-not follow p-eople's o-orders?"She asks.

I start laughing at how cute it was that she was listening to me about not following everyone's orders. I notice her nervously smile and look down.
My heart started to skip beats, what the hell?

"Well you have a point. Can you please go further so I can throw the ball?" I tilt my head and smile.

She nods and runs further, holding on to her uniform skirt on the way.

Lia pov
Omg my god!
He's being so nice?!
And sweet!
He actually looks really attractive smiling!
I have never seen him smile or say please!
Is this a dream?!
I run a little further but not too far and stand in place. Jaden tilts his arm back then throws the football at me.
As we start I first am very unstable and cannot catch but he kept telling me to just focus on where the ball is going and go there. Eventually I started to get the hang of it.

"Here let me teach you how to throw the ball. Let's use the smaller one since you have tiny hands." He jogs up to my with a newer football and hands it to me.

I look up at him in confusion and he takes my fingers, positioning them on the white parts.

"Now you gotta put your elbow here, in order for there to be a spiral."

He was so close to me, I admired how strong his jaw looked up close.

Forgetting that he was giving instructions, I become surprised when he looks down at me asking if it was clear. I realize how close our faces are and so does he.

"Ahem. Uh I'm thirsty you want some water?" He asks licking his lips.
I nod, tucking my hair behind my ear shyly.
Jaden gets two water bottles and runs up to me, "Here take this."
"Thank you." I whisper and take the bottle.
"You should start coming to the games they are actually really fun." He says while taking out his phone.
I just nod and sip on the water bottle.
I watch him check his texts at first he has a casual expression but then he jaw starts clenching and he looks mad.
"W-what's wrong?" I ask.
He just shoots me a glare and murmurs, "Nothing." And walks back to his position.
I get ready for the ball to come but instead of doing a nice and slow throw for me he just shoved the ball, knocking me to the ground.
"Ow!" I grab my leg in pain.
I hear him run over, "Are you okay?"
"Mhm." I couldn't talk because of the painful feeling on my leg.
"Here I'll carry you- Shit your freezing!" He says as he touches me. I didn't realize because of my focus on catching but I was very cold since it was starting to get windy.
He takes his hoodie and places it onto me, then he carries me bridal style out of the field and inside.
"Here I'll take you home." He offers.
"No!- I- I mean i-it's o-ok-kay." I panicked because I didn't want him to see uncle Marvin and I didn't want uncle Marvin seeing him either.
"Nonesense. Let's go." Still carrying me, he takes me to his car and places me gently in the front passengers seat. I couldn't even look at him because of how hard I was blushing. I knew Blake was right brut I just couldn't admit it.

Once we arrived to my house I walk out of the car only to be greeted by Jaden's tall and lean figure.
"Here I'll help you up the stairs."
"N-no, p-lease-
"Jeez Stutters I told you to not do what everyone says but I feel like your only applying it to me. Let's go." He brings me to the front door and just my luck it opens itself.
Facing me and Jaden was a very confused looking uncle Marvin.
"Who the hell are you?" He asks practically snarling.
"My name is Jaden and you are?"
"Her uncle. Now go, I'm sure you have other places to be right now pretty boy." He grabs my wrist and pulls me inside. I wince at his tug but turn to look at Jaden's stunned expression.
I was so embarrassed I rush as quickly as my hurt left leg took me to my room.

What if Jaden tells everyone about how horrible I live? I'll be the laughing stock of the whole school!

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