Chapter 5:

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Singto' s P.O.V.

"So? How' s my performance today hmm?" I asked teasing him early in the morning.

He threw the towel he was using a while ago to dry his hair. He just finished showering, he showered after we had our morning sex.

"Performance my ass. Shut up and just go away" he said using his harshest tone.

"Hmm?? But this is my unit kitty" I retorted back.

As if on cue, he suddenly remember where are we and roll his eyes on me.

He grab his clothes yesterday, wore them and turn his back to me. 

"Where are you going?" 


"Hold on, I' ll bring you there"

"No need, I already contacted a grab"

"You' re so stubborn are you aware of that?" I sighed as I quickly stood up to follow him.

"Stubborn what? You have a company to run Mr. Ruangroj, stop acting like a teenager, we' re both a working adult pft, and I' m a man. I could handle myself" he said and shuts the door before I could reach him.

I just shook my head. He has a point tho.

So I walk my ass towards the bathroom and get myself ready for work.


"Erghh! Your smile are all over your shit you know?" Tul said as soon as he saw me.

"Errgh, Pakorn I could smell your stupidity from here" I fought back and used my most sarcastic tone.

"I' m not you Sing" he retorted.

"Oh then tell to your Maxi that I said hi" I said and smiled wickedly.

He threw me a sharp gaze. He lost this teasing battle hah!

I grin triumphantly before shifting my attention towards the pile of papers on my table as I shook my head while the wicked smile are still all over my face.


I am pretty occupied for the whole day to the point that I lost track of time and I already exceeded the usual time I leave off my work.

I sighed as I finally noticed the time, I look towards Tul' s table and he' s busy as well. He usually stays here late, you see, Tul is pretty hardworking.

I reached for my phone and call Krist.

It took a few minutes before he answered the call and when he picked it up, he sounded tired.

"Hey? You okay?" I instantly asked as soon as I recognized tiredness from his voice.

"Yeah. Today' s a rough day, anyways, why did you call? You need something?"

I heard him let out a loud yawn.

"Oh, I got it, if you need someone to--you know? I' m not in a condition for that today--" he said in a whispering manner. He' s probably afraid to be heard by random workmate.

"Do I look like a guy who wanted to sex all the time to you? Tsk! I just wanted to check you out" I stated sincerely.

"Heoi! Don' t say the 's' word, someone might hear you over there, or even here, you know?" 

"Who cares who I fuck with tsk, anyways, it isn' t the point here, you need a ride?" I straight out asked.

Tsk. He' s afraid someone would hear me from the speaker of his phone as if he put my call on a loudspeaker mode.

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