Castiel and all the things he hides

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"Morning," Sam said walking out into the bunker kitchen. Dean didn't look at him or respond. "Hey, Dean," he said a little louder waving his hand in Dean's face. Dean looked at Sam 

"Cas is gone." 

"What? What do you mean he's gone?" Sam asked sitting down next to Dean. Dean got up knocking his chair over. 

"I mean he's gone!" Dean said walking over to the fridge. "Maybe he had something going on in heaven. You know Cas, never a straight answer.

"Sam said trying to calm Dean down. Dean turned around and looked at Sam like he was crazy. "Sam do you not remember? Cas has the freaking Mark of Cain!" he yelled throwing his arms up. 

"Ok but he has handled it so well, I don't think he would just crack plus if something was wrong don't you think he would tell us?" Sam asked.

Sam heard footsteps behind him and turned around to see Jack. "Jack, have you heard from Cas?" he asked "No not since yesterday," Jack said with a worried look sitting down with Sam. 

Dean came running over slamming his hands on the table. "What did he say?" He asked making Jack jump. "Dean are you ok?" Jack asked dismissing the question.

 "Jack what did Cas say?" Sam asked in a nicer tone. "I caught him on the way out, he said he had something to do?" Jack said not taking his eyes off dean. 

He looked down at the table with a confused look. "He was acting strange though," Jack said. Dean sat down at the table rubbing his face. 

"What do you mean?" Sam asked. "He was in a hurry I guess. I felt a weird wave come off of him, it was powerful but I had no idea what it was." Jack said poking at the table.

Dean shot his head up. "What else was wrong?" he asked. "Uh he was definitely sweating, he seemed like he was in pain," Jack said looking at Sam then to Dean with another confused look. 

"What do you mean he seemed like he was in pain?" Sam asked. "Uh he was holding his arms," Jack said looking at Sam even more confused. 

Dean got up and ran out of the kitchen. Jack looked at Sam looking for answers. He shrugged and Dean came running back with his jacket on and keys in hand.

"Dean where are you-?"Sam asked getting up walking after him. "Just stay here I'll be back in a little bit." Dean yelled slamming the door.


Dean got into the Impala, hoping that somehow he would know where Cas is. Cas has never really gave the mark much attention. 

He never talked about it or anything. Sam always tried to convince Dean that Cas would be ok, but in the back of his head, he was always worried about Cas.

Dean already worked on getting in contact with Cas. Cas never was good with the phone thing. Dean picked up his phone and went through the contacts looking for Cas' name. 

The phone started ringing, but it went to voicemail. "I don't understand why, why do you want me to say my name?" 

"Hey, Cas, it's me. Dean. Man, where the hell are you? Damnit Cas, call me back."


*buzz* *buzz*---*buzz* *buzz*

"mh Hello?" Dean said in a groggy voice looking over to the clock to see that is was 4 in the morning. "Dean," a familiar voice said "Cas? is that you?" He asked, turning the light on, 

"Yes, Dean, it's me." he said I  plain voice. "Where in the hell have you been? It's like when you had wings, you just disappeared" Dean laughed a little. 

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