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After Dean walked out of his room he went to find Jack. He knocked on his door. "Ya?" Jack asked. Dean opened his door and wasted no time getting straight to the point. "Can you make me an angel?" Dean asked quickly. Jack looked at Dean in shock. "uh I've never heard of it," Jack said.

"I was thinking about the demon to human transformation, the more human blood the more human right?" Dean asked. Jack nodded with furrowed brows. "So maybe if you put grace in me I become more of an angel?" Dean questioned. "I mean it has never been done so," Jack said. "You are the strongest angel so I was thinking your grace would help," Dean said.

He felt selfish asking Jack for his grace but if this worked he could get Cas back. "Dean I don't-" Jack started. "Jack please," He said loudly. "please," He said again quieter. Jack didn't want to let down Dean again. "Fine, we can try," Jack said. He would have put up more of a fight be he didn't think it would work.


After a couple an hour of preparation, everything was ready. They were in the dungeon because if it did work they didn't know how it would turn out. Jack put the long needle into Dean's arm and started pushing the grace into his veins. It burned. It burned like hell. Dean cleaned his fists and screamed. Jack immediately stopped worried about Dean.

Jack wished he could have made this less painful. Like he did with the people in heaven for Dumah. He wanted to but turns out, when he does it that way there is a higher chance they won't survive. They stay for a little before the grace burns through the body. It was too much concentrated grace put into one vessel at a time. It had to be done slowly, and carefully.

Sam was in the library when he heard Dean scream. He immediately stopped what he was doing and ran to the sound. He heard Dean scream again and changed direction. "Dean!" He yelled running through the halls. He ran into the dungeon to see Dean strapped to a chair.

"Dean, what are you doing?" Sam asked. Sam looked at Jack with the grace then back to Dean. "Becoming an angel," Dean grunted. "What the hell?" Sam asked confused. Dean explained to Sam the plane. "Are you insane?" Sam yelled. "Maybe, but it's worth a shot," Dean said.

"We already started so, no turning back now," Dean said shifting his chair. "And what if you die?" Sam asked. "But what if I don't?" Dean questioned. Sam sighed but he knew there was no way he would get Dean to stop. "At least let me do it," Sam said. He took the grace and walked up to Dean.

"How bad does it hurt?" Sam asked. "Nothing I can't handle," Dean smiled. Sam looked down and walked closer to Dean. "Don't you die on me ok?" Sam whispered. "I'll be ok," Dean whispered back. "And if you do become an angel?" Sam backed away and asked. "We'll cross that bridge when we get to it," Dean said with a sad smile. He was scared but he wanted to do this.

"Now stop crying like a little girl and let's do this," Dean said making fun of Sam. "Dude," Sam said with a light grin. "Bitch," Dean said quietly. "Jerk," Sam said back equally as quiet. "Dean," Sam said as he grabbed the needle. "What?" He asked looking across the room. "Look at me," Sam said turning to Dean. Dean furrowed his brows and made eye contact with Sam.

"Knock Knock," Sam said not breaking eye contact. Dean scoffed with a smile looking away from Sam. "Hey, I said look at me," Sam said still looking at Dean. Dean rolled his eyes and looked back at Sam with an annoyed yet loving look. "Knock Knock," Sam said again. Sam brought the needle to Dean's arm, hovering over him. Dean didn't look away from Sam's eyes. "Who's-" Dean started but was cut off but the needle entering his arm.

He squeezed his eyes shut and winced. He wanted to scream but he held it in. Sam watched as Dean's veins glowed. He brought the needle out and Dean winced. Dean opened his eyes and looked down at his arm. His veins glowed a little longer before the grace disappeared. "How you feelin?" Sam asked. "Aces," Dean said with a painful smile.

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