Shut You Out

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They finally arrived at this crappy motel, someplace like Dean and Sam would stay at. It was around 4 in the morning and Sam and Jack were sleeping.

Dean was gonna be going in by myself anyway but he thought it would be best if he woke them up."Sammy, wake up," He said shaking his leg.

"Hm, what are we here?" He asked sitting up once again fixing his stupid hair. "Yup at a crappy motel," Dean said looking out the window.

"Guess he picked up some things from us hu?" He said turning around to wake up Jack. "Ok you guys stay here I back I guess," Dean said reluctantly

"K man, be careful," Sam said clapping the back of Dean's shoulder. "Dude he isn't gonna hurt me, he wouldn't ever hurt a bee," Dean said grabbing a jacket.

"Come on Dean be serious," Sam said as Dean closed the trunk. "Man he's Cas," Dean said walking off to the motel.

"Hi, I'm FBI here looking for a man under the name Cas?" he asked the man at the front showing him his id. "Why would the FBI be dressed like...that?" He asked looking Dean up and down.

"Uh you know I'm...undercover," Dean said as the man looked on his computer for Cas. "Sorry buddy, I don't see a Cas."

"What about a Clarence?" Dean asked and the man rolled his eyes. "Yes, room 113." He said looking down the hallway on the right.

"Alright, thanks." Dean walked down the moldy hallways until he got close to 113. He looked down and saw a clump of what looked like dust.

He crouched down to see that it was dead bees, there was a trail leading to 113. Dean knocked on the door hoping Cas would be there.

"I do not require any cleaning thank you." He said in the same plain voice. Dean didn't want to say anything and risk the chance that Cas wouldn't open the door so he knocked again.

"Please just leave," Cas said his voice becoming louder as he got closer to the door. Dean stepped to the side avoiding the peephole so Cas would have to open the door.

He heard Cas sigh and unlock the door. Dean quickly walked to the other side of the door so he would be behind it when it opened.

Cas opened the door. He waited a minute in the door frame before stepping out into the hall. As soon Cas looked to Dean's side of the door.

Dean grabbed Cas pushed him against the wall and covered his mouth. "Cas damnit, you have no idea how glad I am to see you," Dean said removing his hand and hugging Cas.

Cas immediately pushed Dean off and tried to walk away. Dean grabbed Cas' arm and pushed him in the room. As soon as Dean entered the room he regretted being in there.

Not only that but the entire room was a mess. Things were broken, it was dark, there was a lot of alcohol, and there were dead bees everywhere.

"Cas?" Dean said closing the door. "What's up with you man-"

"Dean I got your message I know you are mad."

"So you have been getting my messages," Dean said throwing his arms up. Dean was stepping carefully trying to get to the couch without stepping on bees.

"What's with the bees?" Dean asked sitting down. "Dean you need to leave," Cas said not looking at Dean.

"Talk to me...what's going on?" Dean asked smelling some cup with alcohol in it and making a face. "Dean" Cas sighed and he turned to face Dean then to the ground.

"I can't be with Jack or Sam or you." He said as Dean stood up. "Cas you aren't gonna hurt us," Dean said walking over to Cas,

"I mean until 5 minutes ago I didn't think you would ever hurt a bee, so if its the mark...we can find a way to help," Dean asked as he grabbed both of Castiel's arms.

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