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Dean got up and looked over Sam and at Castiel who was sitting in the car messing with his fingers. He always found the little things so fascinating. He always thought the little angel boy was so interesting. "Should I talk to him?" Dean asked as he looked down at Sam with a worried look.

"Dean if I were to leave the hunting life and settle down with a pretty girl what would you do?" Sam asked now sitting up with Dean. "You aren't doing that right?" Dean asked confused. "Not yet we still have work to do," Sam answered and Dean smiled. 

"I don't know, I mean hunting has always been my life. I can't imagine it not being my life." Dean said looking down at his hands. "But I don't know if I could do it without my brother," He said. Dean was getting really emotional. He fixed his legs so he was sitting crisscross. He felt tears in his eyes thinking about not being with Sam.

"I don't know if you remember this but this one time I was in a dream thing by a djinn thing, I had a normal life," he started. "I remember you saying something about normal life but you never finished," Sam said confused. 

"We never become hunters, so we had nothing in common. We were barley brothers, I didn't even call you Sammy," Dean said looking up at Sam. "Even if we do settle down I won't leave you," Sam said. Dean knew if Sam settled down it wouldn't be in the bunker. He would rarely see his brother. "Even if you say that I don't think I would see you that often," Dean said quietly. 

"That's why you need someone else," Sam said trying to get  Dean to realize what he was getting at. Sam never really planned on quitting, and if he did he would stay in the bunker. He has learned that even if you do get out if follows you. The bunker is the safest place to be. No ceiling fires.

Dean looked up at Sam confused. Sam then moved a little so Dean's view was on the little angel boy. He looked back at Sam with a surprised look. "OH I GET IT WE WOULD BE HUNTING TOGETHER!" Dean yelled quickly. He really hoped that covered up the fact that he wasn't just thinking about hunting. Castiel Winchester always echoed in the back of his mind. 

"I'm not gonna make you all sweaty and uncomfortable but I saw the C.W on the table," Sam said with a smile. "Ya he's family, like Jack," Dean said. "Then why didn't you put Jacks?" Sam said with a bigger smile. Dean's face went cold. His reflexes kicked in and he simply pushed Sam off the car. Sam landed on his butt with a small yelp. "Dude what the hell!" Sam yelled. 

Dean got off the car and walked over the one with Cas in it. He opened the door and grabbed Castiel's sleeve. Sam watched as Dean opened the Impala for Cas to get in. He looked back at Sam with narrow eyes. Sam laughed quietly as he stretched his back. He bent forward a little to wave to Cas. Cas looked at Sam very confused and slightly panicked. Sam dusted himself off before getting in his car and driving off. 

Dean got in the car and they sat in silence. "Dean?" Cas asked. "Yea?" He looked at him like he would give him anything. "Can we go to the top?" Cas asked. Dean shook his head with a smile. He opened his door and got out. Castiel sat waiting for what would happen next. All of the sudden Dean's head popped upside down by Castiel's window. Cas jumped as he looked over at Dean.

The window was open so Dean unlocked the door for Cas. He stepped out of the car and looked up at Dean who was sitting and waiting. "Come on," He said. Cas had a little trouble but he got it eventually. He laid next to Dean and looked up at the stars. "Do you ever feel small?" Dean asked.

"Well considering you are roughly 6'1 and your brother is about 6'4 yes I often feel small," Cas answered plainly. Dean looked at Cas and smiled. Cas didn't see he was still looking up. "No I mean like, there is so much space, so maybe people so why am I here," Dean said looking back up. It was Castiel's turn to look at Dean with furrowed brows. 

E M P T YOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora